Is Crowdsource really better than Crowdflower?

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by petegq, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

    This is why CF pisses me off...

    I tried to complete the Presidential Election Survey they have posted. It does the pre-qualification before the actual survey, which askes age, state and what kind of phone you have. I answered that I did have a smartphone, which I do, which is what they are wanting for this survey and yet I still didn't qualify to take it....UGH...maybe its cause I'm a female in my early 30's from Kansas...hahahaha....just kidding...who knows WTF CF is wanting...:)
  2. Athena

    Athena User

    Aug 8, 2012
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    CS used to consistently pay $7.50 or more an hour for all their tasks.
    They're not that cool any more, but they're still a shitload better than CF, which is usually somewhere between puppy-torturing-evil and a total waste of time.
  3. Athena

    Athena User

    Aug 8, 2012
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    From another thread, there's this link about CF:

    What a complete and total cocksucker!
    Transcription work is a skilled trade! That shit is HARD!

    And all hail the glories of being freed from the shackles of minimum wage laws!

  4. petegq

    petegq User

    May 24, 2012
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    Smh ok I recant this whole post... I'm started to understand mturk more and more each day.
  5. Athena

    Athena User

    Aug 8, 2012
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    Cool. lol.
  6. liladybugz36

    Dec 24, 2011
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    CrowdSource Fan!

    I am a HUGE CrowdSource Fan! They pay way better than CrowdFlower and I have only had problems with rejections on one hit a long time ago and it was my fault. I have worked my way up to several qualifications with CrowdSource and can work on hits including Content Moderation, Debate Editing, Phone Call Inquirer, Question & Answer Moderation, and Question Answering which tend to pay really well like all of their hits do! When CrowdSource limits the amount of hits you do it's only until they correct the ones you have completed and then they raise the amount you are able to do if you did well on those. They have an article about their philosophy on how to obtain great content generation on mturk from workers you will be really impressed with what they have to say. They discuss treating their workers with the utmost respect and paying them above standard rates. They also discuss friendly formatting that is pleasurable for the worker along with bonuses for those that stand out. It is heavily detailed and and a thick page long. You can read the article at

    As for CrowdFlower, I am not happy with their "trickery" test questions nor am I pleased with the pay to time ratio in a majority of their hits. I might as well add response time to questions and complaints to this unhappy with CrowdFlower list as well, and well I'm at it, when there finally is a decent hit that's not kicking my pants or eating my time, I'll be cruising along and up pops their evil message telling me that I've reached my maximum number of hits allowed! I just can't win with CrowdFlower and am not happy with them AT ALL. I don't understand how people give them the credit they do. The only hits I can tolerate are the sentiment hits for 4 cents. They are quick and worth the time and money, but again, until they cut you off which lately is at about 60 hits!

    So to sum it up CrowdSource KICKS the pants off of CrowdFlower any day! They pay better, respect their workers more, have a better user interface, have a better user website, and just plain are an all around better company to be affiliated with!

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