Can't find Oscar Breligy HITS? Super Peso Sunday 09/01

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by turklyfe, Sep 1, 2013.

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  1. petulant

    petulant User

    Forced me to enter an email address, so I went with ..... hopefully they approve.
  2. zingy

    zingy Guest

    huhhhhhhhhhh (kanye west voice)
  3. fikashta

    fikashta User

    Took me 4:20! Really good and his TO is perfect
  4. hBoBh

    hBoBh User

    OK, calling it a night early, See y'all tuesday! (unless I have the energy to log on tomorrow)
  5. dextux

    dextux User

    I have been working on the Corey Donovan Master 8+ word description on and off HITs all day. Probably worked a total of 5 hours. I seem to be the only person doing them for some odd reason. They have an 8 hour auto approve.
  6. ChetManley

    ChetManley User

    Yeah, I was reading the episode discussion thread on reddit earlier and a bunch of people were talking about it. Rockstar surely knows their target audience.
  7. Edit: too late.
  8. zingy

    zingy Guest

    tfw we are just around the corner for a new season of Walking Dead

  9. Finished the day with my second highest total ever. Only made $19 but have about $8 in bonuses headed my way. :) You folks take care and I'll see ya bright and early.
  10. Dogan

    Dogan User

    Is it strange I'm disappointed Ashwood isn't real? I looked for their FB and nada.
  11. Obebe

    Obebe User

    Then why the heck did they want my email?
  12. Summer78

    Summer78 User

    I trusted them dammit
  13. lanadelgayyy

    lanadelgayyy Active Member

    Aww.. I'm upset now.
  14. Danner

    Danner Active Member

    I knew that I should've put a fake e-mail in.
  15. bobbie01

    bobbie01 User

    My son and his family live in SF so I'm there frequently. The air quality is 1000 times better than LA. Don't go in the summer expecting warm weather. The coldest I have ever been was in July in SF. They live in the city and the city is cold in the summer. The outlying suburbs aren't as chilly. October is fabulous!!
  16. bobbie01

    bobbie01 User

  17. just got on to see this, made the night about 67% better

  18. lol i went to the trailer video on youtube for shits and giggles, and i saw the top comment it said "Saw this watching breaking bad, this game looks ******* amazing i'm buying it" i was like lol jesus christ I mean the sales are amazing for it

    Xbox 360 Pre Orders: 1,477,043
    Ps3 Pre Orders: 962,839

    Shit is nuts man, and that was on August 24th, i think they update the listings soon.
  19. zingy

    zingy Guest

  20. I just gave them a spam email i never use anymore
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