Can't find SCARY hits? 10/31 Happy Halloween Friday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Oct 31, 2014.

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  1. Calebro

    Calebro Guest


    THANK YA :)
  2. Artemisia

    Artemisia User

    As I become a wizened crone, I find I'd rather live in places like that and bus it to the city when I need city-ness. Places like that tend to be quiet. :)
  3. andybass

    andybass User

    Do you come across many fish? ;)
  4. Artemisia

    Artemisia User

    *laughs at this for way too long* wheeeeee!

    (you were right btw, tequila + beer wins)
  5. cocobean

    cocobean User

    I would kill for snow like, 80% of the time.
  6. Artemisia

    Artemisia User NO no no no no no


    sure it's pretty, but it makes going anywhere at any time difficult af

    unless you're walking, which I seem to be the only person on earth any more who uses that form of transport :/
  7. frood

    frood User

    Well that doesn't sound too bad at all. And the Land of Ports was one of my favorite places I've visited. You guys have tasty beers!

    Also, because my brain went there...

  8. andybass

    andybass User

    Psshh, levitate. Get on my level.
  9. Artemisia

    Artemisia User


    silly fish, I have legs. I can't levitate...

    (shut up, okay? it made sense in my head)
  10. I walk a lot. You're not alone on Earth.
  11. frood

    frood User

  12. GG

    GG User

    nothing to see here
  13. andybass

    andybass User

    So, this exists... I don't know what to think about it.
  14. Artemisia

    Artemisia User

    That's comforting to know.

    I feel like people don't really understand how much less stressful walking is than driving...
  15. Artemisia

    Artemisia User

    I don't even know what that is. Is it a magnetic fish?
  16. Good night, beautiful people.

    Even fish are people, of course.


    I love you all.
  17. andybass

    andybass User

    That appears to be the case. I can only hope that my fish brethren is secretly fish Magneto and he is going to save us all from oppression.
  18. Artemisia

    Artemisia User

    fishy, isn't it like obscenely late for you? What are you still doing here?
  19. Artemisia

    Artemisia User

    *dies 13 times*

    never mind, I see what you're still doing here
  20. andybass

    andybass User

    I really should hit the hay already, but if I go to bed I'll be all lonely and stuff.
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