What happens when reqestors report you to mturk?

Discussion in 'General' started by sonica, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. sonica

    sonica User

    I read about this on another forum. I wish to know what happens when requestors report a turk to amazon. I would like to know after how many reports are you likely to be banned? Can anyone please answer me?
  2. According to our contact at AMT, you would have to be blocked by 4 reputable requesters for mturk to block you completely.
  3. Lsunny

    Lsunny Member

    And is this for a cetain period of time or is it lifetime?
    also do they take into acct. those requesters that programs were wrong went array ect. like some who ban a lot becasue of poor communication or instructions ?
  4. ergo

    ergo User

    I believe the key word there is "reputable". If a requester posts HITs with instructions that could easily be misinterpreted and then abuses their banning powers, odds are that some of those workers will report the requester, and I believe Amazon would do the right thing when it comes to a formal review.

    I've never been banned from any HIT, but I have reported bad requesters before, and Amazon has been quick to stop them from posting further work. Keep in mind, I'm using a very strict definition of "bad requester" here, meaning people that I have strong evidence to show are committing fraud.

    If you ever get banned or believe that your work was rejected unfairly, you definitely should try to contact the requester and work things out. Even if you were banned fairly, for example if you screwed up on a bunch of HITs and didn't realize it until it was too late, it's worth opening the channels of communication. Although rejections can't be reversed, you can be unbanned.

    The majority of requesters on Mechanical Turk are honest people, so when you do get rejections try to figure out why they happened. Check if the requester left you feedback. Contact them if you truly believe the rejection was unfair or in error. Sometimes we make mistakes. Sometimes requesters make mistakes. The mark of a good worker is being willing to learn from one's mistakes, and the mark of a good requester is the same.
  5. justfight

    justfight User

    How do you come to know that you're banned by a Requester from working on his HITs? Does mturk inform you of this?? Or is it when you click on one of the HITs by that Requester and then it shows something saying that you can't perform any HITs by this Requester since the Requester has banned you???
  6. vazrakar

    vazrakar User

    can i know, how can we report regarding requestor regarding payment and wrong rejection of work .
  7. Shego

    Shego User

    How do you know if you've been banned by a requestor?
  8. sonica

    sonica User

    If you accept a hit for a requester who has banned you, you will get a message that you are blocked by the provider. I dont think mturk conveys this information, and at times you may be blocked/banned by requesters and never know about it till you wish to work for them again. I think there should be warning system, where requesters can send a message through the feedback column, amazon should make some kind of system, so that turkers at least are warned before getting blocked. Some requesters have banned huge number of workers from doing their smaller hits. I got to know about this from turknation.
  9. Shego

    Shego User

    I think if a requester is going to block you then you deserve an explanation. Especially because, what if it was a mistake and they actually meant to block somebody else and got confused? It's going to take a couploe more years for Mturk to work out al the bugs, ethically and technically.
  10. justfight

    justfight User

    I don't think it's ever possible, atleast as far as working out "al the bugs" and "ethically (!!!) and technically" are concerned :D
  11. Shego

    Shego User

    In my own defense, let me say that, 1. My keyboard and computer are older than God, and that 2. atleast ????? LOL!! :D

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