Let me be the first to welcome the requester 11223344 to our forums... Please use this forum to ask any questions you have and communicate directly with the requester. Rob
Welcome to the forums, although I havent done work for you before I do see a lot of good posts about you. My question is when do you plan to put up a qualification batch?
I really don't remember your hits although I do remember the username. Anybody care to tell me a summary of what kind of hits this requester has. Thanks
Welcome to the forum! I've been working on some of the "Tell us how much this item would cost to replace - General Contents," and I have a quick question. There seem to be a lot of magazines in this batch. How would you like for these to be handled? I've seen a few that aren't in print anymore, and they've gone to only digital issues, so there isn't a price for them. Thanks for your help!
I was struggling with these myself today, and this is unfortunately one of the gray areas with this project because magazines so quickly change based on time. If you see a magazine, you can put http://www.magazines.com/ for page and $5.99 for price.
Hi! Welcome! Now I have questions.. 1. You have a lot of magazines. - What do we do with ones that are no longer in print? - For "freebies" do we just put a $1 and where to get them. Some are not available on line that I can see but would logically be available at the store such as Sobey's. - Those that are currently available. Do we find the cost of the subscription and divide it by the number of yearly issues to find the cost of each? 2. Books. -I have run into a lot of out of print books. Some I have found new at reasonable prices but some are outrageous. Such as a paperback cookbook for $250. I've been putting the cost of the cheapest "new" book I can find in those cases. Is there any other way you would like these handled? -Out of print books with no "new" physical books available. I can almost always find used books or sometimes find "new" digital editions. -Books not found for sale in the US or Canada. I've found a few that are only available in Europe. Or I've found them for an outrageous price used here in the US or Canada and reasonably priced in Europe. With translation programs being what they are I'm not sure the European books are new or used. 3. Technology -As technology gets older and hard to get the prices will sometimes rise drastically because the availability is scarce. I once did a HIT for a camera that was a few years old and there was several "new" cameras of that exact model available somewhere for about $350 (I think. The price was high.). I posted that link but in the comments I also posted a reasonably priced newer model (The quality & features of this model exceed the original model) replacement for about $150-$200 as I recall. I ignore and don't include auction sites for the questions above. So when I say "none" are available there may be some. Just not sold through retail sites. Love your HITs and really appreciate the fast payment. Your instructions are thorough and easy to follow. It's great that you put the last time they were updated on the HITs. It's a pain to have to read the instructions every time a hit is posted to see if anything has changed when the instructions get very long. Also the "New" helps point out the new additions so I pay closer attention to those instructions. Sorry for all the questions. I know one is a partial repost of heatherd84's that I expanded on a little bit. Thanks for the help. Edit.. Okay skip question one.. Except what about "Freebies"?
Thanks! One other question, in looking at the books, if the cover is different but it is the same book is that okay? For instance, the only copy available now might be a newer edition.
Yes, this is fine. 1) If they are no longer in print, put magazines.com and $5.99. 2) If they are freebies, like little magazines you get in a store, you can put $1 and the web link to the store, like http://www.sobeys.com/ 1) Even though it seems absurd, what you did for the paperback cookbook was correct! That could be collectable by now, and is a real loss. If the price for a new book with that title is $250, then that's just the price that has to be paid. 2) If you can't find a new book with the exact same title, you will need to replace it with a book about a similar topic. We cannot use used item links. 3) I just asked my boss about these foreign books. If they meet all of these criteria: - foreign language - no American/Canadian dealers - hard to tell what the content is Replace with a flat fee. $20 for soft cover, $30 for hard cover. Link right to amazon.com. If you can tell what the content is but it is still in a foreign language and there are no American/Canadian dealers, link to a similar book in English. Don't try to find the exact same model that was lost. The "next newest" model is fine, and in fact, preferable in those cases. Just make sure that the brand is the same. You're welcome, and no need to be sorry! These are good questions and I appreciate your work!
I've been approving work early as well I normally just let these auto approve but there were some new workers today.
Any specifics on how to get the qualifications? I have great stats and have requested, but didn't hear back.
We run tests occasionally Also, some workers are allowed to refer other workers. I'll post here before I run a test.
What do you recommend we do when we are working on the find the price hits and and the object is mislabled? I just returned one that someone said was lampshades and it was cones that my husband uses in soccer practices.
Please just leave us a comment and complete the HIT as if it was labeled correctly In a future release, I might make it so that you can edit the description if it is wildly inaccurate. Also, don't be afraid to contact me with the reference number so I can look into the other worker's work.
I saw those and thought they might be lampshades, but I wasn't sure so I didn't do it, but I can see how that could be an honest mistake.