Hi All! I'm a grad student - currently doing some research on American political attitudes. I have a HIT that pays $0.25 for approximately 7 minutes of work (an effective hourly-wage of $2.31, and is actually quite interesting! I hope you'll take the survey! You can take the survey and view the instructions in one of two ways: 1. Group ID - 2IUC1QP6AUC6B8TP7ASXCV0GR1C077 (copy/paste into the URL of a HIT preview). 2. Use my name ("Motta") to search for the HIT "Brief Survey Measuring Political Attitudes" And please send me a message if you have any questions or comments - I'm happy to help! Thanks, - Matt Update! Link Provided: https://www.mturk.com/mturk/searchbar?selectedSearchType=hitgroups&requesterId=A35R9XEHJ7WES8
Hi! Thanks for taking the time to post here. I'd love to do your HIT but that hourly wage is pretty low. We like to follow a $0.10/minute rule. Maybe you could consider raising the pay a bit?
Thanks for the suggestion! I'm a bit constrained by funding - but that's a good idea and I plan to re-look in to it!
Hi Matt, Just catching up. BUT would you want to work for 2.31 per hour??????? That's the best response that I can give to this.
Wizard did you not read his most recent post? "Thanks for the suggestion! I'm a bit constrained by funding - but that's a good idea and I plan to re-look in to it!". And I already mentioned the pay was a little low. Please don't be rude to requesters that take the time to post here and that actually listen to what we have to say.
Thank you!! I'm new to the forum, but I find this feedback very helpful - I'm seriously looking in to raising the compensation, if I can secure the funds!
As a fellow grad student, I'll do it to help. I'm glad that all my subjects are dead Anglo-Saxons and I don't have to pay them.
One thing I'd suggest is that you reconsider your "if you take less than seven minutes I'll reject your work" rule... the survey is incredibly brief and only took me about 3 1/2 minutes to complete, meaning I have to just sit here for a few minutes to arbitrarily run down the clock.
Thanks!! That's a great suggestion - I've actually been noticing that on my end! In order to change the instruction wording, though, I'd have to re-do the HIT (though I did try to make the edit!) Re-doing the HIT means being extra diligent about not letting people take the study twice (MTurk doesn't have a great way to deal with this, and I feel terrible rejecting totally fine work just because the service doesn't let me close surveys to people who have already taken it). All that said, I'm new to Turk (first year grad student) and I could totally be missing some kind of advanced way to edit without re-doing the HIT! If you have any suggestions on how to do that, I'd be happy to make the change! And, I should mention that I've been accepting all work that meets the basic requirements set up in Qualtrics (even if not 7 minutes! )