rob tally hits help

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by footballchick29, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. I like this requester and have done some of the hits.. but they seem to be very time consuming unless I am doing something wrong. I click on the name and it sends you to a google search but its all just academic papers they have written.. whats the quickest way to find the e-mail? Tips? Thanks!
  2. vicks09

    vicks09 New Member

    same with me. Still looking out for someone who can give a quick tip.

  3. I sent them an e-mail to see if they had any tips but no response yet. If I hear something I will post it here and pm you. I would like to do a bunch of these today and tomorrow :)
  4. I got an email back saying they can't give any tips on search helps... it also said it seems some workers have developed their own ways and in the next set of hits he will include that to make it easier if they are actually working.. so if there are any lurkers/guests who are reading this and can provide any input please do so
  5. duivell

    duivell Member

    I tried few of his hits he pays fast but the pay is too low for the hits. I personally don't do hits that pay atleast 2 dollars per hour. Anyway I'm newbie not an regular worker.

    Here's how i do it

    If i don't find the email in the first google page with the link. I'll just paste the university in the google search and when the search returns with the university web address, I'll just add the "name @ theuniversitywebaddress" to the google search and it will give results sometimes. And also using " |at| " instead of @ works in somecases (especially the emails of asian universities). Don't try too hard searching scientific papers they don't usually list researchers emails. And also try to search in google scholar. Hope it helps :)
  6. Thanks duivell for registering and helping others out. Welcome to the forum :)
  7. Thanks a bunch for the info!! I knew the e-mails would not be in the papers, but I forgot about google scholar.. Welcome to the forum as well! :)
  8. I am also a bit hesitant to work on these hits now only because the requester has dropped their pay. Originally it was .08, then .07 and now .05. Disappointing :(
  9. duivell

    duivell Member

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