Please participate in my experiment: "Reading English sentences" (re-posting)

Discussion in 'Do My HIT!' started by rlrose, Jun 4, 2017.

  1. rlrose

    rlrose Requester

    Jan 20, 2015
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    [Posted yesterday by mistake in the "Requesters" forum. Re-posting here with apologies.]

    Dear MT workers on MTurk Forum,

    As a requester, I have really appreciated your feedback and support on past HITs that I've offered. Therefore, I'd like to give you advance notice of a HIT that I will offer during the next thirty minutes or so.

    Title: Reading English sentences
    Remuneration: $2.50
    Anticipated time to complete: 20 mins
    No. of assignments: 50 (10 at first; then after checking, 40 more)
    Minimum quals: >=99% HIT approval, >=10,000 approved HITS, location= Canada, USA

    I'm sorry this is limited to only Canada and USA right now. But for certain experimental reasons, I have to do so.

    Anyway, if you're interested, please grab it when it comes up.

    Thanks a lot,
    Ralph Rose
  2. Flora

    Flora Admin
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Thank you for posting and letting us know!
  3. rlrose

    rlrose Requester

    Jan 20, 2015
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    Dear forum members,

    This is just an update to this thread. I will shortly post 40 of the following HITs. Please note that I have upped the remuneration to $3.00 and have broadened the location qual to include more countries.

    Title: Reading English sentences
    Remuneration: $3.00
    Anticipated time to complete: 20 mins
    No. of assignments: 40
    Minimum quals: >=99% HIT approval, >=10,000 approved HITS, location= CA, US, IE, NZ, AU, GB

    Please keep an eye out for it and do it if you can.

    Ralph Rose

    [Note: the 10 people who completed this HIT a few days ago (for $2.50) may not do this HIT. However, for fairness, they have been granted a bonus so that their total remuneration is in line with this new HIT.]
  4. rlrose

    rlrose Requester

    Jan 20, 2015
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    Dear MTurk Forum members,

    My HIT has now completed all of its assignments. Thank you to all of you who participated. I also got quite interesting experimental results, so I'm very pleased.

    For those of you who couldn't do the HIT this time, I hope you can help me later as I expect to be offering more HITs of a similar nature in the future.

    Ralph Rose

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