And more tasks, folks! All you need to do is send a message to your personal assistant. Please complete 1 hit in each task, following a slightly different scenario: 1. What will you ask your personal assistant to start your day in the morning? 2. What will you ask your personal assistant to wrap up your day in the early evening? 3. What will you ask your personal assistant to prepare for the next day right before bedtime? The task is available to the residents of the following countries: United States (US), Canada (CA), Mexico (MX), Greece (GR), Puerto Rico (PR), Greenland (GL), Antigua and Barbuda (AG), Iceland (IS), Guam (GU), Anguilla (AI), Aruba (AW), United States Minor Outlying Islands (UM)
Good day, people! We have posted more of those 'Chat with Cortana' (text-based) and 'Chat with Cortana - speaker-based v2' tasks! You are welcome to try them