Hey guys, been spending some time talking with my team here. I'm going to post a small batch at around 2 PM Pacific Standard Time and then shortly after I'm going to put up another batch. As we go forward these batches will be released with more frequency which we hope will give you guys more work and allow us the flexibility to shift which non-profits we want you guys to work one when one section begins to run dry. Thank you guys so much for sticking with me through this transition period and for the helpful feedback.
Any word on perhaps decreasing the amount of workers who can do these HITs? It really is not fun being punished with less money and less work.
Yeah, I'm hoping to whittle away the freeloaders in the short term. In the long term we're floating around the idea of doing another round of quals to reduce the workforce however there are several problems with that. There are the obvious business issues (cost, less workforce means that it will take longer to get the data, etc.) and there are the personnel issues (it is kind of insulting to keep asking you guys to jump through these hoops over and over again). It will very likely happen as we have another "phase" so to speak of tasks for you guys to do that is a bit more involved. For now though I'm not adding people and will keep doing QA to weed out the slackers.
In my mind, the difference in amount of time for batch completion between a larger workforce and a smaller workforce is almost negligible. Back when 40-60 or less had the qualifcation, we would do batches of 1000 in less than 2 hours. With all this time that OCMP spends NOT putting up HITs that they keep saying again and again they need completed, one would think that a time difference of an hour or two wouldn't make much difference. As I have said to your predecessor, the real insult is how little OCMP continues to pay us even though their business model is solely based on their workers.
Hey man. You might want to clear out some of the quals. I just got to do the latest extraction hits and a significant portion of those were corporate sponsorship pages. Either someone does not know what they are supposed to be doing or is blatantly scamming you, either way you should take a look.
Yeah this week i'll be focusing on QA and will be dinging quals. The people that were scamming on the extraction end of things have been removed but I did notice that several of the donor lists supplied were straight scams (as you said). They will be the next to go but unfortunately it's a bit of a time intensive process.
That is completely understandable. Thankfully some of your scammers are of the incredibly greedy variety and those will be easier to catch.
Welp, got scammed fellas. I want to thank those of you that alerted us quickly. Unfortunately this may take a little time to sort out so please bear with us. Also 'yourmom.com'.... seriously?
Really surprised to see such a scammer still exists. Youtube.com for every "Extract Donor " HIT? I think this may be from one person doing such things. You may identify the worker ID easily by filtering the person who used youtube ( and also http://p.com) as URL for every HIT.
That is just so childish and uncalled for. I hope you can find the scammers and get rid of them. I know workers are often against blocks because they can affect our Mturk accounts, but these workers who are blatantly scamming deserve one.
Yep. Unfortunately the money is probably already sent so cannot reject the work, but I would personally both revoke their qual and block them. Unfortunately there is really no step up from that as far as I know, but people who scam that blatantly and that brazenly deserve to have their account immediately suspended.
I revoked their qual and blocked them so they wont be taking any more of our HITs. Also, I've started re-running the batches with the non-profits where you guys found the lists removed. Thank you guys so much for the quick heads up on the scamming, you guys are awesome and I'm sorry one sour apple had to screw up the batches.
OCMP34, right now I've done a lot of extraction hits for the same non-profit - Habitat for Humanity. I still got a lot in my queue for these. Not sure if this is intentional or not. I know they are a pretty big non-profit, with a lot of branches worldwide, so that may be the reason why it's showing up so much. Just wanted to let you know in case there is a bug in the batch.
Hello everyone, we received a complaint that there were broken HITs up (slightly under 600). We worked to get them cleared and I want to make sure they are not still there. Can anyone here confirm that they have been cleared? Thanks