Hi Everyone. I'm a new requester -- I'm a journalist and have lots of audio interviews that need transcription, and some friends told me that MTurk was the way to go. I thought it seemed like a good idea, because I'm not a fan of paying a middle man, and I realized that the same transcription houses I was already using were themselves using MTurk. I am really new to this, and have only recently tried creating some hits. But something strange is happening -- I see them post to MTurk, but then they disappear almost instantly. Does that mean that someone has snapped them up? I can't tell if there is something wrong or if my hits are actually being accepted or not. How do I know? Can workers notify you that they have accepted your assignment? It seems like that should be obvious. So far no one submitted anything for me to review and accept -- so does that mean they accepted the assignment and then didn't finish? Or that no one ever accepted it? I would like to develop a good reputation -- I am happy to pay the going rate and offer bonuses to good workers, and I don't want to accidentally reject work or expire hits if people are actually working on them. I just expired a whole bunch because it didn't seem like anything was happening. Maybe someone on this forum can give me some advice on how to develop a good cadre of transcriptionists? Thanks!
I'm still rather new to MTurk and really have no idea how the technical aspects of it work for requesters. But I've done some transcription HITs for both Claritrans and Speechink and am familiar with how it works from a workers stand point. If you'd like to let me/us know what your requester name is, I/we can look and see if we're able to view any of your HITs if you still some posted, that is. At least this will give you an idea if workers are able to see your HITs.