Need help

Discussion in 'General' started by rehan95gold, Oct 23, 2012.

  1. rehan95gold

    rehan95gold Member

    I have just created an account in mturk... mistakenly i didnt saw the country option and click next which was USA...
    After creating an account with mentioning USA country.. will they change my country if i send a PM to them??

    and requirement of SSN, EIN and ITIN is just for US members only.... If they change my country to pakistan in which i am living it.. then will want me to provide SSN, ITIN etc???? please answer.. and sorry for noob english..
  2. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    They are not accepting people outside of US at this time.

    Why did you make a new thread? You already had a thread on this.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2012
  3. See how he changed the trick after seeing all what we've talked about him in the other thread. Now he changed his plan and is saying he has MISTAKENLY clicked USA as the country. Please go away, scammer!!!
  4. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Yes I noticed that. It's time we ignore this scamming troll.
  5. OK, let us accept that you have selected US by mistake and you really wanted to select Pakistan. Now why don't you just abandon that US account which you have made by mistake and make a fresh account under your country name? Have some shame and stop thinking that people in this forum are all stupid who will accept your nonsense. But actually you're stupid who doesn't even know what SSN is and that Mturk is not accepting any new accounts.
  6. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

  7. Neona

    Neona User

    Why would you even bother with an account that you can't get paid from? unless you like working for free, what's the point?

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