
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by clogan98, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. clogan98

    clogan98 User

    Ok, so I guess I should say who I am so you don't think I'm some crazy scammer. I'm a struggling single mom that heard about MTurk from a blog somewhere. Just trying to make an extra $5 a day (turned out to be $100 in the last 5 days, not bad) to buy the things that food stamps don't cover (toilet paper!!!) Just an honest soul trying to survive. Hope you don't mind me asking the occasional question. :eek:
  2. Welcome to the forum! I am sure you will do great. My sis has 2 kids 1 and 6. I got her set up to do mturk and she makse 10-20 a day inbetween fighting with the younguns to take care of them. Ask questions when you have them and search through the forum for anything you can think of you might have a questions about too. A lot of times your answer has already been provided. Happy turking!!

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