Nine were rejected..said that it was the wrong room. Really? It really is a matter of opinion as to where a fixture should go. So, not sure what the hell he was looking for. However, the choose the fixture hits were all approved.
Yeah fuck them, I got all of mine rejected- how the hell do you judge if it's the wrong room? If I put that type of lamp in the damn room, then it's the right room...Horrible!!!
he just rejected 209 from me...have been doing remodeling for 15 yrs and should know were a dam light goes!!!!!
exactly, it was totally subjective! If I want to put a chandelier in my bathroom, you can't tell me i'm wrong. I didn't pick that answer but that's how subjective it can be!
LOL! Yep. Those opinion based ones scare me..!! So sorry! This guy needs to be booted off of Amazon. I hope no one works for him again after rejected people like that. They just don't want to pay.
Well, all mine approved guys but I didn't do that many and only did the 4 centers to boot. Sorry about the rejections. Which batch were you doing?
Seems like all the room ones got the majority of the rejections... Choose what kind of lamp this is ... I did 4 of them and 0 rejected. Desk lamp or not... easy peasy.
It may have had something to do with the fact that the radio buttons on the 2 cent hits were connected. When you checked a second one the first one disappeared. That's why I didn't do them in the first place.
Aug 15, 2012 503 82 412 9 $1.62 Ohhhh yeah. I'm pissed. "Wrong room." That's it, on all of them. Just "wrong room".
That has got to be a software glitch. No person cwould selectively approve so few out of thousands of hits. Its interesting how some people will deny responsibility if they can point to software written by someone else. I suspect that is what is going on here. I had 2 approved and 8 rejected.
I am so glad I only completed 7 of these Hits. I did the ones where we decide what room the light fixture would be appropriate for. They rejected all 7. I feel for anyone who completed a large amount and got them rejected. I will never work for this requester.
I succumbed to the temptation and did one (and only one) of the "which room does this light fixture belong in" HITs. It was rejected, of course. Some possibilities to consider: 1) The guy's a scammer and trying to get work done for nothing. 2) His approval processes is messed up. 3) He deliberately put up a bunch of HITs solely to reject them all and drive down people's ratings. My thinking is that it's 2, which highlights why it's so important as a requester to design both your HITs and your approval process correctly. I can't imagine it's fun to put up a bunch of HITs and have them all done wrong because your instructions are vague and unclear.
I'll point out again he had 2 types of hits up.. 1 Was to decide what TYPE of lamp it was.. Very easy hits 1 click then submit type .. I dont see anyone bitching about rejections on those.. no a single one. However ALL the hits that were What type of room does this shit belong to.. Everyone got fucked.. I highly doubt this was on purpose.. Im with the select group who believes something in his software went wrong or the hit buttons were fucked up.