I have done approximately 100 hits for Jon Brelig. He sometimes takes several days to pay, but I've noticed that all my hits will get approved in a big bunch all at once. No worries. Yes, 411Richmond pays within minutes, but I can't tell these people how to run their businesses lol
I'm new to mturk and have a question about Jon Brelig's requests. While some are only offered at one cent, they may have thousands of HITs in them, but then a two-hour time limit. So, are you not allowed to finish the entire HIT batch for full earning potential? What's the most that anyone has earned from working one of these huge batches? Please advise. Thanks in advance.
I've done >75 HITs by this Requester, but am still awaiting their approval. Although it hasn't been weeks, if my work gets approved, I'd like to work on more of those HITs. Usually, how long does this Requester take to verify the HITs? As someone said, other Requester approves the work within minutes. If you work on his HITs regularly, please let me know how long does it normally take to get a HIT verified? Of course, you can also reply if you're not a regular worker, but whatsoever is the case, kindly mention it in your reply.
Just suggestions for the Requester: 1. It would be nice if the job title said whether it was UPC and/or typing out item names. There are times during the day I'd prefer to do just 10-key (numbers only) typing. 2. When doing the long receipts, sometimes the typing area scrolls down and the receipt area doesn't scroll enough so you have to constantly keep adjusting. Makes it almost impossible to complete the HIT. 3. The picture of the receipt automatically readjusts as you type. This makes it more difficult for your eyes to find where you are on the receipt. 3. I feel it would be more efficient to type out the names separately and then go back and type the numbers on the 10-key pad. Doesn't seem like the site allows this at all.
I have accepted many of these HITS although when there are other receipt transcriptions for at least .10 i prefer those. But I've noticed Brelig pays quickly and gives bonuses. I have noticed many blurry receipts though, and you're right about not taking the chance on getting the work rejected. I've gotten to the point where if a receipt is so blurry it is going to take me a lot longer to try to type the receipt or make me strain my eyes too much I will skip the HIT. I also don't bother with any of the HITS that are less than .08 or .09 cents, and do many surveys to try to supplement. I need to spend more time because I haven't yet figured out how to make more then $10 a day... but I haven't hit masters yet, or 1000 HITS...so i'm hopeful it will get better.
Hello all. I am new to mturk..just started yesterday, and have found that I really enjoy this requester's HIT's. I do have a couple of questions though. With multiple items ...say .....Toothpaste 2 @ 1.00 ....$2.00 Do I enter these separately for 2 entries? Also, I had one earlier with a coupon. When I selected coupon from the drop down menu and entered the coupon #, it told me to enter a valid number. I double, and triple checked the # and it was correct.
Joe Brelig aka InfoScout makes excuse not to pay Unlike 411Richmond who pays fast, InfoScout / Joe Brelig takes forever to pay. I haven't had one rejected task from 411 ever. Decided to take on 4 receipts from InfoScout and 1 rejected for mistyping 9.55 instead of 9.95 in one of 5 receipts. IF that really was a mistake, if they've OBVIOUSLY looked at the receipts manually themselves, why not just override my mistake. I basically worked for them for free. I'll never take up another task from Joe Brelig aka InfoScout.
I've done a lot of these hits and am a semi-new worker. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to build up my hit numbers. I haven't had any problem with the Jon Brelig hits although the last few are taking a while to get approved. Some suggestions I have are to let people know that if there are multiple images of the same hit to be careful that some of the receipt lines might be a repeat of the partial pic above it. In the beginning I know I typed some of those repeating lines twice before I realized what I was looking at. I also sometimes use a calculator to see if my totals match the receipts. Well this is strange, I went to look at a hit to see a receipt and my firefox browser which recently has been showing a blank white page on some hits is doing that for yours. The answer to this is usually to go to the top address bar on the left, click the small lock icon and click disable protection from this page, but this time instead of working a dialog box pops up that says Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at but that could mean anything. Are you trying to add 3rd party cookies to our site? Either way since firefox won't let me connect to your images anymore no more receipt hits to me! Or it could be an mTurk thing.
I was going to say perhaps have a mini test of having someone do several receipts and approve them on how well they do.
For everyone asking about the approval times, every requester has up to 30 days to approve HITs. Most set an "auto approve" time before that when Amazon will automatically approve any non-rejected HITs. It looks like the AA time for Brelig is 5 days for the HITs he has up right now.* What that means is that if the HITs aren't approved manually, exactly 5 days (to the second) after you complete the HIT is when they'll be approved. There are scripts that you can get to show the auto approval time for any HIT, it shows up like this *Note: I've never done any Brelig HITs, so I can't say whether he ever approves early, but any of his HITs currently up WILL AA at the 5 day mark.
i was working for jon brelig on 6 shopping receipt task. but last week i got 2 rejection i asked them to recheck my rejected work i got hard blocked from this requester. can i get back chance to work on this hit again? plz help how to get removed from block
well, i think your chances aren`t that high. your only chance is to get in contact with them and discuss the issues and get your block resolved this way. no other option.
Some of those are easy fixes For #2 & #3 (the first #3) the easiest way to correct that is click on the receipt so that the receipt image opens in a new window (not new tab, otherwise you can't see them both at once). That one doesn't scroll at all unless you scroll it. For the last one I've actually had no problem doing that. I haven't done the extract information from a receipt ones in a while simply because the six receipt one where you just need to enter the date, business, total, number of items (or a combination of those) are so much easier to do. But when I did do them I would do the the UPCs first and then add the item names (or vice versa) . I just tabbed past it to the next box and ignored the red warning saying that the name needed to be entered until I got to the end & then I'd go back and fill in the item names.
On the 1st question (is receipt valid?). If it's blurry then you click no, receipt is too blurry. By the way; extract the store from the shopping receipt & enter the total amount from the receipt aren't the direcions, they're the task. These are the directions: To ensure you are rewarded for HIT, review examples of non valid receipts and turn on help instructions.
Hi can any one tell the exact reason of lack of hits in Jon Brelig for about 4 days. When will the hits will be increased.
On the enter the entire receipt hits. I've noticed that there are less receipts and most of the ones put up now have recent dates. I've also noticed that he's increased the number of hits available that don't require the numeric codes and item at 0.08. Seems those are no longer available at 0.09. The only ones I saw today at 0.09 were the more intensive receipts. Seems he has dropped what he is paying. Anyone else notice that?
Im new to mTurk and I have a question on one of jon breligs hits. On " Extract purchased items from a shopping receipt (3-5 items)" it says " Hit Reward: $0.03 for first 5 items". But on some of the receipts theres only like 2 or 3 items on the receipt. So my question is do I get paid 0.03 if I transcribed less than 5 items?