
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Kalon, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. Kalon

    Kalon Member

    This is my tenth day turking. I have been coming here as well as turknation for a few days and have found it very helpful. I am glad I have found mturk. I've been out of work for two months and am starting to get hungry. I am hoping to earn enough this week to pay my internet bill before it gets shutoff.

    I thought I would join this forum because I have questions about turking and could use some help sometimes. I feel nervous when doing hits for requester for the first time. If turkopticon rates a requester low I may only do a few so if I get rejections I will still stay above 95% approved. But than when the hits are accepted I regret not doing as many as I could of because I need the money.

    I didn't make much my first few days. I spent more time looking for hits to do than working on them. I am getting better. Made a lot more the last five days than I did the first five. I got no choice but to try and do this fulltime. I an really looking forward to the 100 hit limit coming off tonight.

    Well that is my story. I am hoping to have a little fun here and to make lots of money.

    Going back to work now. Thanks and wish me luck.
  2. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Welcome to the forums! Glad you joined us. The forums are a big help in making some money for sure!
  3. j0sh

    j0sh User

    Welcome! As Flora said, the content (and people) on these forums are a great resource.

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