hi from now onwards crowdflower a.k.a dolores lab is rejecting hits. Recently i got 40 rejections from them. They do have a accuracy check in their hits.But still they have rejected my hits. This is the message which i got as a feedback from them for every rejected hits. Sorry we can't pay you for your hit because it doesn't match our instructions.We take rejecting HITs seriously.Feel free to dispute this by emailing support@crowdflower.com.
I hate them already always had issues with their hits BTW they have a support site you can post your problems and questions there https://getsatisfaction.com/dolores_labs
yes, I hate them.. when they changed their name from Dolores Labs to CrowdFlower.. they started to show many thorns than the better flowers... hope all of you understand what I mean... I won't do thier HITs anymore....
yes, they are very confusing. I had to return several HITs. Mturk generally is going from bad to worse...
I never had a problem with them with the Give Your Opinion - Simple and Quick! (US) HITs. Pay right away but its limited. No rejects yet
No Bro,.. never think like that... Mturk is the best method for me to earn money now through a money making site.. Are you not using the Turkopticon? It will help you to kick out those bad requesters and scamsters...