Couple general questions about being a turk worker

Discussion in 'General' started by Karen S Levine-Dawicki, Mar 13, 2022.

  1. Karen S Levine-Dawicki

    Aug 29, 2021
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    Hi everyone.
    I have asked this before but probably not in the way I should have when I was a newbie.
    What is a "master"? What does that entitle you to? I know that the forum has said that no one really knows how you get to be a master and that is fine,but I still would like to know what it is.
    The other question I have is: when there is something that you are not qualified for yet,there can be several different criteria,some checked off with green check marks,others,not. I know some are for a certain percentage of your approval rate,but others tell me nothing,at least nothing I understand...a bunch of numbers and letters,
    Is it just the luck of the draw?
    Thanks in advance for any input or feedback
  2. Flora

    Flora Admin
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2012
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    Masters supposedly entitles you more HITs, not necessarily higher pay but at least access to more of them. Some requesters will choose master HITs thinking they'll get better quality HITs which is probably true half of the time. I had one tell me when he took off Masters, he got worse quality. They say you get it by doing good work but as you know, it's random.

    Those qualifications that don't make sense like Exc: [1552153991-350546] DoesNotExist; has to do with the requester's end I think, their way of screening people out or something. It's not anything we can control. We get access to those strange ones by doing HITs and we will get those somehow. The more you do, the more you get to do those. It is partly luck, you just have to get the right HITs to have access to more. We don't know which ones so just do as many HITs as you can, overtime you'll have access to more HITs.
  3. Karen S Levine-Dawicki

    Aug 29, 2021
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    Thanks,Flora. I guess a lot of it is really just HIT or miss!

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