Can't Find Great HITS? 8/28 - What Makes You Different Wednesday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Aug 28, 2013.

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  1. Stu

    Stu User

  2. JAWN

    JAWN User

    So today? Yes! I love when I positively jinx myself.
  3. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    Oh... then Madoka? That is mind gameish. Psycho Pass is as well I believe (Gen Urobuchi wrote the script for both. amazing guy.)

    For madoka, the first 2-3 eps are really really misleading until you go deeper in the show. Then you realize those eps were fantastic.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2013
  4. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    bleh. I accepted thinking it was a new one, but the link showed the same survey :(
  5. Imortalee

    Imortalee User

    I work night shift, I recommend going to bed between 8-10, wake up around 4-5, do what ya need, make sure you have tons of caff the first couple nights then ween off slowly. Took me 4 months to be okay with just 1 cup of coffee at 1 am for night shift.
  6. HITmonster

    HITmonster User

    Yup, stuck at 338 for me.

    The risk is worth the reward, in my opinion. The TO isn't bad enough to prevent me from doing them, and even if I get a few rejects, the money is amazing.
  7. NLP company :)
  8. livingdead

    livingdead User

    Why do you think that is? I'm stuck on that too.
  9. HITmonster

    HITmonster User

    No idea, but I've seen it happen before. After a while it'll lock you out/run out. I just don't think that many people are doing these because of the qual. Either way I'm going to do 100 of them and then quit until they get approved.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2013
  10. livingdead

    livingdead User

    Edit: My internet likes to make me look like an idiot. Double post.
  11. livingdead

    livingdead User

    Why are you stopping at 100??????
  12. there

    there User

  13. HITmonster

    HITmonster User

    Just in case they get reject happy. I'd rather test the waters, and walk with a possible easy $50 than to get a boatload of rejections.

  14. I think it's because a requester may have 10,000 HITs, but you are only allowed to do say 338 so it only shows that number available. I think.
  15. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    well i screwed up the qual for nlp lol..
  16. livingdead

    livingdead User

    The number is not decreasing with each hit. Is this normal if batches are partitioned off like you mention?
  17. HITmonster

    HITmonster User

    What did you get? I got 16/20 correct and just barely scraped by.

    I think that's how they handle their rejections, too. If you get under 15 you get a reject.
  18. 1we4ty

    1we4ty User

    How much time is each one taking you?
  19. coldgrapes

    coldgrapes Member

    Now i don't feel as bad for doing the samething lol
  20. Ya me too. Oh well
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