Andrew Carman

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by reebs, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. Wizard

    Wizard User

    Hopefully, I made it back in time.
  2. MSUHolly

    MSUHolly User

    Yup, so far no word.
  3. Hopefully he's back up soon :(
  4. Wizard

    Wizard User

    I had been looking up the word. But sounds like it's kinda our call to make.
  5. rpeterson

    rpeterson User

    The job is back up!
  6. MSUHolly

    MSUHolly User

    So what if the person puts something like "Thanksgiving leftovers" and it has a plate of random food, but there is turkey on the plate. Is it too vague?
  7. rpeterson

    rpeterson User

    Yes, that would be too vague as it doesn't actually tell you what food (turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes) is on the plate.
  8. reebs

    reebs User

    If there is a hand holding up the food do you want us to consider that ONE OF A FEW THINGS?
  9. rpeterson

    rpeterson User

    It depends on how big the hand is in proportion. If it's a tiny hand and a huge slice of pizza, it would be an ONLY match. If it's a tiny tortilla chip that a person is holding in their hand, that would be one of a few things.
  10. Jambin

    Jambin User

    Question please! If a person says they had soup and the image is an empty bowl that looks like they just finished with a spoon in it, is that a match or not a match?
  11. rpeterson

    rpeterson User

    That would not be a match since it soup isn't there anymore. While the bowl could be a container, it's not traditionally associated with only soup, so I'd have a hard time making that connection. It's really just a picture of an empty bowl, labeled soup.
  12. Jambin

    Jambin User

    Thank you, just wanted to make sure :)
  13. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Reading the instructions:

    "If the meal image contains fewer items than listed in the description, answer "The description DOES NOT match the meal image."

    My description says 4 turkey sausage links. Picture only shows 3.

    Then the instructions also say:

    Any information regarding portions or size of the meal in the description must be disregarded when considering if the meal image matches the meal description. For example, a description of "2 slices of pizza" with an image of a whole pizza would be considered a match. A description of "a whole pizza" with an image of two (2) slices of pizza would be considered a match.

    I'm confused.
  14. rpeterson

    rpeterson User

    Sorry about that - looks like my last post got wiped for some reason.

    I'm try to differentiate between different items and items of the same type, but different portions. In the first case, if a described item that is different than the other items is not in the image, it would not be a match.

    In the second case, like with the links, it is a question of portion for the same item. In that case, there is a match.
  15. MSUHolly

    MSUHolly User

    Did they get pulled again or did those 3000 go that fast? lol
  16. rpeterson

    rpeterson User

    They're actually complete :). It seems they move pretty fast. I'll probably have more up in the next few days.
  17. Wizard

    Wizard User

    Thanks for the great hits and answering questions so completely.
  18. Thanks for the HITs!! Couple of questions, what do you want us to do with awful images and poor spelling? Like BLATANTLY misspelled... but you still know what they mean...
    and pictures that are clearly of the food listed food, but are blurry and whatnot.

    BTW, did not notice you changed the duration time and I ended up with 9 abandoned HITs just now :(
  19. mom1982

    mom1982 User

    What if the image shows eggs, bacon, watermelon, and toast but the description says eggs, bacon, and coffee?
  20. Lucius

    Lucius User

    Hey Andrew thanks for being a requestor! Didn't see this mentioned, but if you've addressed it previously just let me know. Is there a general recommendation for descriptions in foreign languages? I try to do my best with google and it seems I've been pretty lucky so far, but I didn't know if you wanted us to do that or just mark foreign languages descriptions as a mismatch.

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