AAAS Project 2061

Discussion in 'General' started by lightdark, Jul 14, 2009.

  1. lightdark

    lightdark User

    Their "Transcribe student comments." on average take me 30-60 seconds, not including factoring wait time for the images from their server. And when I first saw them, they had 23k HITs, and they are being quickly eaten away at. But they are adding more at a slower rate then they are being finished.

    At 9 cents a pop, I hope they pay promptly. I figure it's about minimum wage. I hope intelligence was not lost reading some of the scribbles the kids write, and their awful spelling. I had to take a break. But here's a few funny answers the kids gave so far:

    "this anwer is not very smart sunding..."

    "this is a hard test."

    And one kid seemed to be thinking of food:

    "I already said bologna sandwich with no cheese and extra mustard =p"
    "Cause no one made me a bolega sandwich"
    "The is no sandwich involved"
  2. Voxxy

    Voxxy New Member

    I've been doing these ones all day as well. I'll probably continue for a few more hours, maybe get in 60 bucks today. hopefully I did them right. I didn't correct any of the kids spelling. Just typed it exactly as they wrote it down (and quite horribly most the time). I've seen quite a few hilarious answers myself today. Best so far is 2 hits in a row all the answers were "No." Kids really didn't want to take that test lol. Hopefully the pay is nice and quick, it'd be good to have some extra beer money this weekend :)
  3. lightdark

    lightdark User

    I contacted the requester and they did say, spelling mistakes were preferred. I never knew 'answer' could be misspelled in so many ways. They also said they did hits last year. I hope it's a more than once a year thing. Make those kids brains hurt so I can have a good day every so often. I just hate the kids that filled up the entire three lines, didn't they know someone had to transcribe these? :)

    I had one, that I didn't have to type anything, and quite a few cut and pastes of the kids saying something like I don't understand this or Nope.

    Now I wait for the large payout whenever these will get approved, I should have asked them about that...

    Here's a few more funny ones:

    This is dumb! (wrote diagonal across all the answer section)

    I'm really not sure. Madison's beauty is distracting me from this test.

    See #5!
    See freaking #5!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2009
  4. This is the email I got from Brian today about these hits.

    These tests are just for research purposes. Our actual tests are a more standard
    type ... multiple choice. The students know in advance that their teacher won't
    be grading the test and that it won't affect their grade in the class. As a
    result we get a few students who are willing to be a little more "creative" with
    their responses. Plus, we tested a larger grade range than in the past so there
    might be students who had not yet learned the ideas or who had completely
    forgotten them. Hopefully that eases your mind a little about the future ;)

    Thanks for posting a positive report for us. I don't know when we'll post more
    work. But it's nice to have the positive feedback.

  5. ergo

    ergo User

    I had a lot of memorable ones. "It's a LIE!" stands out. Also one kid who drew graphs in one of his answers... how is one supposed to transcribe that? ;)
  6. bsweeney

    bsweeney Member

    Greetings, everyone. I'm the requester behind the AAAS HITs. I'm just here to drop a quick note that everyone's HITs should now be approved. If you have any HITs that are still pending please let me know and I'll look into it.
  7. nope all were approved this morning awesome hit.
  8. mysconnie

    mysconnie Active Member

    Mine too, and thanks! It was a great day for turking!
  9. justfight

    justfight User

    I've most of the HITs approved, but 18 are still pending (at the time when I'm writing this).
  10. ahamed

    ahamed New Member

    i am new to mturk and i am interested in doing your tasks,please let me know the search term of your hit and tell me the time when you will start giving your next task...
  11. lightdark

    lightdark User

    Too bad there are not more requesters like this, I think July 14th, was my biggest earnings day so far.

    And all hits have been approved.
  12. bsweeney

    bsweeney Member

    FYI. We're going to be posting a new batch of work today. It's much smaller than the last batch, though, so it probably won't be up long.
  13. lightdark

    lightdark User

    Did I miss it? I saw the HIT requiring a submit rate of not less than 100%, and I contacted about that. Since I do return some and some HITs don't give enough time to complete them causing them to be abandoned(usually 30 second to 3 minute HITs).
  14. bsweeney

    bsweeney Member

    My mistake on the submission percent qualification. It wasn't what we intended and has been removed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2009
  15. lightdark

    lightdark User

    That was an excellent heads up. I didn't quite make it to five dollars, as they went so fast. But thanks again!

    I see you thought what I thought the submission rate was the first time I looked at the command line tools documentation. My guess is you were trying to get people that actually have done 100 tasks (no newbies).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2009
  16. bsweeney

    bsweeney Member

    You're welcome. I'll try to give a day's notice next time if I can.
  17. ergo

    ergo User

    Thanks for the heads up, Brian! Missed your HITs, but glad to see you back and that lightdark got some. :)
  18. I missed these hits also Ergo. Hate it but oh well. I love doing these hits though. Hopefully there will be more sooner rather than later.
  19. ergo

    ergo User

    Now that everyone knows what great HITs they are, it'll be tough competition anytime more are posted. :)
  20. Ergo yes they will be tough to get any work eventually.

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