Whew, 1000 approved hits

Discussion in 'General' started by Eyegor, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. Eyegor

    Eyegor Member

    Dec 31, 2014
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    I've just been trying to be diligent and do some every day. When I looked at my stats this morning and realized I was close, I've been focusing a little harder today. Between pending stuff getting approved and some AA today, I am now officially at 1001 HITS. Only took 18 days:eek: I know this is peanuts to most of you but for today, I'm satisfied. Tomorrow I start on 5000.
    P.S. I'm still doing lots of penny hits so I'm not making much, but getting numbers is part of the game so......
  2. Tom Turkeriffic

    Dec 1, 2014
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    Rant about Holiday Turking Rejections.

    I did the same thing. I have 6223 approved hits one rejection from 2 months ago (my first ever hit, John Breling go figure. I say it's a 8 he said it's a 6. No fighting that guy...never ever did or will do any of his hits. Instant BLOCK there LOL).

    Thought I was on a roll. Then over the 2 weeks of Holidays my usual requesters didn't have much work so I did a big bunch for 'strange to me' requesters and some new requesters...BAD MISTAKE! I should have just taken the time off. I ended up with over 10 rejections for stupid stuff, mostly because the requesters had problems on their end and some for no real reason at all and per TO, after the rejections started pouring in as I check TO on everything before I do a HIT, others just got screwed on the same ones I did. I was able to get several over turned and still working on the others but what a HUGE mistake.

    I am so disheartened this little money I do from here means if we can have one meal per day for the week, or dog food or a little gas money to get to my other job. For all these rejections, while just pennies to the requesters all add up to help my family. I'm not out here turking because I have nothing better to do, and I know it's not a living wage by no means, but every .05 and .10 they reject is a blow. Actually this whole thing is starting to blow chunks!... when I read on reddit that a study proved 60% of these requests are 'spam' HITS and 40%+ will reject and take the info and not pay just tells me this is just like smashing your head on the sidewalk. OK Rant is over. Time to go to my reliable requesters and build the numbers back up on stupid penny hits. Grrrr. :mad:
    #2 Tom Turkeriffic, Jan 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2015
  3. AJBBB

    AJBBB User

    Feb 15, 2014
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    Congrats man! You gotta start somewhere so don't worry about what everyone else is doing. =]
  4. peerjoy2

    peerjoy2 Member

    Sep 5, 2014
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    I empathize with you. Every time I do something for a few cents, I get rejected. It seems so ridiculous, since I do .50 to sometimes 5.00 hits, and never get rejected. I do however, return a lot of hits. I also try to do hits a little at a time, rather than go for a lot. Every little bit is helpful.

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