Where Dem HITs At? 01/28 Schmoopy Saturday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Tjbot, Jan 28, 2017.

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  1. parro

    parro User

    May 28, 2016
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    Not counting that $6 hit, about $2 here. I slept most of the day, and I haven't had dinner yet. Nothing in the fridge interests me. And I've been looking at used cars online all night . If I have to spend another week asking people for lifts, I'll be ready for the funny farm.
  2. alk65

    alk65 User

    Oct 11, 2012
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    You've at least got friends to ask for rides. I don't drive anymore. My friends are limited to one. Who lives 50 miles away. I go to the grocery store about every 3-5 months. Which isn't as bad as it might seem. I used to live in the country, so shopping at random times is acceptable. And where I live there is little (and unusable) public transportation. Texas, don't ya love it?
  3. parro

    parro User

    May 28, 2016
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    Status bar says we're alone.

    I don't think TX is to blame. They probably have public transport. in the major cities, just like everywhere else.

    People I'm asking aren't really friends, but members of my Unitarian fellowship. It just comes natural to them to help out people in a lurch. My so-called friends don't want to disrupt their schedules for me. One has taken me out exactly once since it happened, because we get our haircuts at the same place.

    I can't imagine grocerying every 3-5 months. Produce and dairy don't keep that long, and that's a huge part of my diet. How do you adjust?
  4. parro

    parro User

    May 28, 2016
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    I live in a northern suburb of NYC. We have buses here, but they don't go everywhere, and they're spaced at about an hour apart. We have the commuter train into the city, but it's pricey and takes you to just Grand Central Station. Having had a car, everthing is spaced out. Doctor in that direction, grocery in the other direction, church off in another direction, etc.

    And I'm spoiled in certain areas of food. Must have loose tea from a certain store 25 minutes away, Empire apples and most of my food only from Trader Joe's, etc.
  5. parro

    parro User

    May 28, 2016
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    We can't really talk privately here much. There are a few members who are always playing "Gotcha!"
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