"We encountered an internal error while accessing the payment management system"

Discussion in 'General' started by Mturker885522, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. Mturker885522

    Mturker885522 New Member

    Oct 26, 2013
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    I'm new to this forum, so hello to all of you my colleagues!

    Here is my problem:

    1) When I try to transfer my Mturk earnings to my Amazon gift certificate balance I can't log in anymore and I get this message:

    "We encountered an internal error while accessing the payment management system.
    We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try again later."

    I tried this from three different browsers and the result was the same every time.

    2) Does it have something to do with the email I got from Mturk just a day ago? In that email I was warned that a requester blocked me from working on his HITs and that my account could get suspended!

    I have to say that I've done just one single HIT for that requester, which was worth only 2 cents. I done it about 25 days ago before being blocked! Also, that one HIT was accepted!

    This is my reputation as a worker - I've been working Mturk tasks occasionally for four years. I have 99.2% of accepted HITs, more than 20,000 HITs in total. I received bonuses and good comments from many requesters. I have Masters qualification.

    Is it possible that I'm somehow blocked from all Mturk because of just one single HIT?

    Please help me with this if you have any idea what's going on.

    Thank you!
  2. BloodRayen

    BloodRayen User

    Oct 23, 2013
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    don`t think you are blocked from mturk. looks more like amazon havin some server troubles to me. you should try to with draw again later to day. if it is still not working contact the support and ask what is going on.
  3. Mturker885522

    Mturker885522 New Member

    Oct 26, 2013
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    Thanks for your reply. But I think that this is not a technical issue with servers. I think that I'm partially blocked. I am able to work on HITs but I can't transfer my money.
    I tried many times to withdraw my money, hours have passed, but it's still the same. I always get that message.

    If it's a problem with Amazon's servers, then a lot of people would complain about being unable to transfer their money. But I googled this message I got and I couldn't find anyone else beside me complaining about that today. There would be more of us affected with that error if it was hardware related.

    I already wrote to the support and I'm waiting for an answer.
  4. Mturker885522

    Mturker885522 New Member

    Oct 26, 2013
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    Now it's OK. I transferred my money. I don't know what was the problem. But it worked after I signed out of Mturk, logged in again and then tried to do it. It was successful this time. :)

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