QUICK & Easy HITS tonight!!!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Pet79, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. Pet79

    Pet79 Active Member

    Oct 2, 2013
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    Right now there are some really easy HITS by requester Martin Medenica called "Data Entry- Extract Email Addresses From Handwritten Entries".

    I just wanted to share that when you accept the hit sometimes the image does not load with the email address it just says "edit image" or something like that and its "clickable". All you have to do is refresh the page a few times sometimes up to 6x (but its quick) OR you can click on the clickable link and it opens in a new browser then just hit refresh repeatedly and the image does load. It doesn't take long to load at all you just have to refresh sometimes only 1 or 2 times and its quick.

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