new to turking...qualifications being denied

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by hbradshaw30, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. hbradshaw30

    hbradshaw30 New Member

    Aug 19, 2013
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    How do I qualify for hits that I'm supposedly already qualified. For example Crowdflower keep saying I'm not qualified. Please help
  2. DCI

    DCI User

    Jan 4, 2013
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    **** crowdflower
  3. Nilf

    Nilf Active Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    I concur with DCI
  4. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Crowdflower does their own variation on how they do batches.

    Normally there are two kinds of batches:

    Free For All - They show a number of available hits available to everyone. Once anyone does one, the number goes down until it is 0. ProductRnR and Food Essentials are good examples.

    Personalized Batch - These batches usually have a smaller number and they are normally just for you. The numbers rarely go down and when you finish the batch you finish the batch. Only on rare occasions the numbers will decrease due to the mass amounts of people doing the hit. The geo hit a few days ago is an example of it. There were 50 available to everyone, but so many people were doing it, the numbers eventually decreased. This is why some got all 50, some got 49, and some got less than 10.

    Crowdflower's "Hits available" shows a free for all style, where it goes down per hit done, but internally they have their own check, so you have your own personal batch. The thing the people are mad about is that you wont know when your batch is done until you accept the next hit, then it tells you that it isn't available, forcing you to return it.

    Compare it to CrowdSource, where it is similar. It also shows a free for all style in "Hits available," and they have their own internal check. But what makes crowdsource better is that they tell you when you can't do their hits before you accept so you don't waste time.

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