Mystery murder thread featuring turkingbear!

Discussion in 'General' started by TurkingBear, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. TurkingBear

    May 8, 2013
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    It's five o clock in the morning and I'm watching something stupid on TV. I'm laid out in the sofa, with slobber coming out of my mouth. It's been a long time since I had any stable work as a detective in the Big Forest but then again .... nothing much happens in the Big Forest. It's sorta quiet. My last big case was me trying to find out who drowned two bear cubs in the river on that cold September morn.....

    That is until I get a call in my cave and I wake up from my half sleeping stupor.

    "What..." I shake my head. Who could be calling me at this UNGODLY HOUR OF 10 AM IN THE MORNING?

    I pick up the phone. "Bear... I think it's time for you to get to work." My ears perk up as I hear the details of this particular case.

    "It's a woman. She was murdered right in Big Forest. Just a few clicks from where you live Bear. Interesting thing is you might know her." I scratch my head. "How?"

    "She sorta works with you." I scratch my chin. "Ummmmmm...."

    "The Forum? You know that Forum you talk to me about? The Forum where you do that other stupid work online?" Oh, right. MturkForum.

    "Wait, what? How you know it's that person for sure?" I ask in a tense voice.

    "Just come on over man. Check out the body and we will give you all the details of what we found."

    I get up and finally try to get ready. This was not going to be easy. I put on my Fedora ® and put on my large but heavy trench coat. It's time TurkingBear became DETECTIVE BEAR.


    #1 TurkingBear, Apr 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2014
  2. TurkingBear

    May 8, 2013
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    It was 2 PM that day when I went out to check out the body that they reported in. It wasn't so far from my cave I call home and I walked most of the distance. A chill ran down my spine as I went by the very river that those two bear cubs were drown... That investigation still haunts me to this day. It was also that investigation that made my work slow down. The news.... wasn't so favorable on me when I couldn't do my work well as I did before. Before that case I was called Master Ace Detective Bear. Now... Im just Detective Bear...

    As I saw the others in the distance I could smell the body from here. Weird. If this was a murder it shouldn't stink so fast if the person was barely murdered. The officer who called me waved me over. He was an older gent, with a lot of wisdom in his hair. Ok what I mean is that he has gray hairs but I'm a nice dude you know? Bear always proper nice.

    As I walk over my burly large frame he laughs at me. "TURKING BEAR! Bet you don't know me!" I stare at him and notice who he was. That SON OF A DOG! It was Apaullo! I pat him with my large paw on his back and he falls over. Whoops. I forget humans can't take my BEAR STRENGTH. Got to tone it down 5000 more times than usual.

    "Ummm, sorry about that old chum. So... now I get how you knew it was a MturkForum member. But who is it?"

    "I'll let you guess first. Just take a peek," Apaullo says. I looked at him for a bit and recalled how he keeps posting the same damn picture of his youth. He sure didn't look like that young man in that pic anymore but obviously can see how he became a cop now. Hope he is more useful here in this case than just posting pictures of himself into a forum.

    I go to the body with my heavy steps and take a deep breathe. The stench was a bit strong. Why? Something was not right with this. I pull back the drape over the body to discover the victim that was left behind.

    It was a woman...

    #2 TurkingBear, Apr 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2014
  3. TurkingBear

    May 8, 2013
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    ...a woman who I would have no idea who she was if it was just based on her appearance alone. Since most people on the MturkForum never use real avatars, unlike dashing me (not everyone is this good looking you know?), I had to deduce who she was from what she had on.

    I eyed her delicate frame. I looked over what could be important. Nothing too crazy. Pants, shirt, shoes. Nothing out of the ordinary. She had a blazer of some kind though. Had a little birdie on it.

    "Hey Apaullo, did you take a good look at everything around here?" I called out.

    "Not really. Was hoping you do that. Makes more sense to me I thought."

    Right...that would make more sense. I think... I dont remember as well as I use to. Yet some memories stay with me like fresh September rain...

    I kneel down and snoop around the body. Hmmmm... head phones... I pull out what she had in her blazer. A smashed iPod. Man, how I hate these stupid machines. It seems it got stuck on a song starting with an R and from those dang dong doddly singing Jackson 5 kids.

    The way the iPod was smashed shows force. Like a tackle. There is no evidence that there was any force around the area. This was no ordinary murder. No Sir, this was something else and it started to make me more and more curious of what the hell was going on in my back yard.

    I get up on my hind legs and stare into the distance. This is not going to be an easy case it seems. Whatever it was...I had an inkling this was going to be at least 200 barrels of coffee... and maybe one cold ass shower. Or no showers. I hate showers. But then again... I hate Stinky Bear... besides the point.

    "Well, Apaullo I sure figured out who was murdered. RockinRobin is dead. But she sure as my hairy bits didn't get killed out here. She was dumped here. And she has been dead for a week it seems. What we got going is something foul... And I intend to find out what the hell is going on around here."

    Apaullo smiled. Seems TurkingBear is starting to sound like ole Detective Bear again. WITH A VENGEANCE!

    #3 TurkingBear, Apr 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2014
  4. TurkingBear

    May 8, 2013
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    I looked off into the distance of the forest. I did a 360 degree, no scope and checked my surroundings. Weird. I can't find any evidence of anyone being here recently. No tracks. No.... anything. It was just like the body was dropped here in thin air.

    "Huh.... you know I didn't noticed how she died from looking at her body. Killed by toxins? Should run a toxicology report on her body. Call me when you find out what killed her. Maybe it will give me more clues as to who did this and why. Any enemies that we know she had? I can't recall anyone hating her in the forum and doubt the Forum is the one involved. Plus they can't be so smart to pull off a murder." I chuckle to myself an continue. "They can't even READ AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH" I tip my Fedora ® and notice my surroundings once more. Whoever came here was not human...

    I leave Apaullo to his side of the work and I slowly make my way to my cave. Not this again. This is starting to remind me of my last case. Hopefully the tests give me something to work on. The last case where I fell from grace had nothing to work on. Just two dead bear cubs who were drowned by some freaking mad man. Those poor little bear cubs didn't deserved such GRIZZLY fate.

    I get home and take off my coat and put my Fedora ® away. I think it's time to get my office open again cause I hate working at my home for cases. Gives bad vibes.

    That's when I got a phone call all the sudden in my home...I hesitate to answer it since no one I know should have my phone number.

    "Good afternoon, Detective... It's been a while..."

    #4 TurkingBear, Apr 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2014
  5. TurkingBear

    May 8, 2013
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    "...Who is this? I don't know this voice. I don't know you at all!!!! Tell me who you are or God help me I will slam this phone and you will hear such a SLAMMING!!!!"

    "Oh, you don't know me. But you will eventually. Let's just say, I left a little gift for you in the Big Forest today. A dashing young woman. You think you can stop me Bear? You think you can stop me this time? This is not the first murder I done. No.... NO, not at ALL! See... I been doing this for a long time...I do it everywhere around the country. Hoping someone would catch me..."

    I start to sweat. What the **** is going on... how did he get my number. I don't even give it to my family or even for a discount perk card at the grocery store! I try to make sense of what is going on. I sit down as my hands begin to tremble hearing this weirdo talk to me on my cheeseburger phone.


    "All in good time detective. See, I been killing all over the country hoping some bright detective would take me down. No one has. Everyone can never figure it out. You were one of them. Should I remind you of that September day? A drowning?" He stops and does a small chuckle. "IT WAS ME DETECTIVE. I DID THAT. NOW ARE YOU GOING TO FIND ME THIS TIME OR ARE YOU GOING TO MOPE YOUR LIFE AWAY HOPING FOR LIFE'S SWEET RELEASE? COME GET ME, DETECTIVE. I BEEN WAITING FOR SO LONG."

    He hung up the phone as my fur has risen at least 15 feet into my cave walls. You could have sworn a fur ball was in my cave taking residence instead of a bear. I slam my cheeseburger phone and put on my Fedora ® and put on my sunglasses shade SUPER BLACK™. I put on my more fancier trench coat and start to walk out my cave.

    "I'll catch you son of a female dog. I'LL CATCH YOU!!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Birds fly off in the distance, as they fear my mighty roar.

    Time to visit one of my old standbys. Someone must have seen someone come in here somehow. Something. I have to have something. Also I was hungry. I slowly but surely walk towards the direction of mankind's route. Time to head out to BIG CITY.

    To be continued TOMORROW
    #5 TurkingBear, Apr 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2014
  6. TurkingBear

    May 8, 2013
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    I walked in the general direction where I knew I would find the local pancake house. Needed to fill my belly with some food and start to think where I would go on this case now. I didn't have much to run on right now but whoever called me was one sick depraved individual and I was going to make sure he did not get away with more murders.

    I cross a highway and run across holding unto my Fedora ® making sure it did not fly away. Didn't want to lose that fashionable piece of accessory. No siree! Then I just be a Bear without a cool hat and I just be Uncool Bear. I don't want to be uncool. NOT TONIGHT.

    As I cut a shortcut through the raggedy woods, I see the pancake house I use to frequent a lot when I use to be more active as a detective. Usually a good place to stop and get lots of coffee in the system and get me a porker and flyers. Don't know what a porker and flyers is? I think it's also called bacon and eggs.

    I reach my destination and open the door with great ease and slam it against the wall....

    "Guess whose home..." The cook stares are me bewildered with those BIG OLE BUG EYED peepers of his.

    "Well guess what the dung beetle drug in. If I didn't see you, I wouldn't have believed it myself!" TurkorTreat said.

    I smile half-hardheartedly. "It's been a while."

    "Hits got you down Bear? I hear there is this great Masters batch up right now..."

    I put my paw up to signal him to quiet his big amphibious mouth. "You know I don't come here to talk about Mturk at all. I come for some coffee, and some porker and flyers. So get to it, frog!"

    "Haha, Bear always the hungry one. But not only that... seems something is troubling you. Something I should know?" The frog inches closer to me bobbing his head to the side.

    "I guess you should. Someone is dead. Nearby. Not only that it was from the Mturk Forum we both frequent. I tell you Turkor something is up and man I don't like where this is going. Not ONE BIT."

    "Huh...Well... I got something that can give you a lead maybe... See I saw someone strange come by hear before. Reason I make a big deal out of it is cause I never seen both of these fellas before. One had a business of some sort. Grass? Grass or something. Big hog type of guy. The other? Well you can't miss him. It was a big cat. A HUGE CAT. Maybe a tiger? They were here yesterday and they were looking at each other MIGHTY STRANGE. Like they were planning something. I say... that's some leads right there buddy."

    A plate of porker and flyers is served up to me and my coffee is served by a a human waitress. I always wondered how they react to animals like us coming her to eat. Then again... the boss is a frog...

    I chew my food slowly and then whisper to the frog.

    "Give me all the details you got from these two guys. I think I am going to follow this HOT HOT HOT lead you gave me." I slam my bear claws into the table. "Also, I want a pair of bear claws to go."

    Turkor winks at me. "Sure thing big guy. I'll give it to you in a notepad paper. You eat up and I'll get it all for you."

    I stare off into the distance and see his clock. It is broken. The time was stop ominously at 8:32 a.m. I look into my coffee cup and see the face of a drown bear cubs face....

    To be continued TOMORROW
    #6 TurkingBear, Apr 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2014
  7. TurkingBear

    May 8, 2013
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    I went home to get some rest after eating at the pancake house. There was no reason for me to keep going to try to figure out something yet from the info the frog gave me. The first lead is to a grand porker that everyone knew in the forum very well. A person named Razorbacks. The grand hog said he gave up on turking and the forum. He might have a reason to go backlashing. Especially to ladies. Maybe he finally snapped?

    The other one I had less info on. It was another animal too. Both could have potentially went into the forest and dropped the body without me knowing. People though, I know when it's people frolicking to my back yard. Humans make a lot of noise when trying to come by. Then usually I go out and scare them and take their picnic baskets and have a snackerooo.

    The next day I began my search for the feral pig.

    I open up my phone book and try to track down the hog. Shouldn't be easy. Last time I heard, he opened up a grass mowing business. I look that up in the phonebook and found him right away. An ad real tacky and had a pic of a boar that said, "Don't let the HATERS TELL YOU ANYTHING LESS! Razor cuts the BEST DAMN GRASS THIS SIDE OF TEXARKANA!" Haha. Texakarna. I know he lives in Big City as well so it was just a little drive to get there and find him. The problem was, what do I have on him besides just being here during the night of the murder?

    I get a call on my phone. I stare at it for a bit wondering who it could be. Man, how I love cheeseburgers and my cheeseburger phone...

    I pick up and it's the police. I let out a sigh of relief.

    "WE got the results of the body..."
    #7 TurkingBear, Apr 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2014
  8. TurkingBear

    May 8, 2013
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    "No kidding?! That was fast! I'll take a cab right over to the precint and get the results. Plus I have to make a stop somewhere there while in Big City."

    I take my clothes into a briefcase and hail a cab as a normal bear when I walk all the way back into the highway. You will be quite surprised how many cabs will take a normal bear into the city. I think it's because we are great tippers.


    I put my head outside and let the cold wind hit my face. Awwww. Relaxing. Whatever the toxicology report says might get me a lot closer to my perpetrator and put and end to this madness right away. The cab driver makes the trip quick and before I knew it I was in the heart of Big City and it's glorious light show. It's always so bright here compare to the Big Forest. Showy humans. Always trying to do things. I walk to my destination which was a few blocks away. Didn't want people to know who I was if I put on my detective clothes on. Too many people still here remember the case.

    As I go inside the cops all are shocked as a bear was able to open the door and go inside. Then they calm down as they remember it is I, Detective Bear who is there for the toxicology report.

    "Haha, where's your get up? Hard to recognize you without your Fedora."

    I glare at the cop. "If a fedora you want it's a Fedora ® you get!" I open my suit case and flip into my fashionable get up. I tip my Fedora ® to the cop. "Better, chump?" I walk inside to their autopsy room.

    I take a step back and get confused. "Umm... I'm looking for the dude that does the toxicology reports."

    A chicken stares back at me.

    "You know where he is at?"

    "Hey buddy! What makes you think a chicken can't do this kind of work? Are you some speciest or something? Plus I know who you are. You might know me too." He puts a toothpick on his beak. "Name's ganjachicken. I appreciate it that you, A BEAR, can take me seriously."

    My eyes shift around. "Umm... so when did the cops get use to animals working on dead bodies. I mean, most of us animals can't even work on most jobs cause people are dicks."

    "Ummm.... it happened right after you failed your case if I recall. Seems you been hiding under a rock for a long time Mr. Bear. Anyway, BAWWWKKKK!!!! Ooops, sorry. Aheh, this would be interesting to hear for you I bet. The woman was poisoned. Not any poison, Mr. Bear. No, no, no!"

    I lift my furry eyebrow at this white hen. "Go on..."

    "The poison used to kill her was.... Glyphosate. It's weird. That's not a poison of choice of a killer that has so many options. In other words, Mr. Bear, your victim was poisoned by a herbicide."


    "Does a chicken BAWWWKKKKK BAWK BAKWWWWKKK!!!!"

    I rush out the police building and make a mad dash to Mr. Big City's apartment. I found out where he lived before coming here and it was two blocks away from the police station. The wind blows my heavy trench coat as I run on all four legs to my destination. He had to have done it. Who else?

    I make it to the apartment building and get inside without making a noise. I'm glad most buildings love leaving their front doors open. I walk slowly up the stairs. Mostly carpeted everywhere. Good. It makes it less conspicuous that a big large burly bear was in the building.


    I look around and noticed.... he was gone.

    #8 TurkingBear, Apr 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2014
  9. Spear

    Spear User

    Mar 21, 2014
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    #9 Spear, Apr 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2014
  10. TurkingBear

    May 8, 2013
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    In the house of the hog

    "Well would you just have that... The ****** already left!" I drop my Fedora® in rage. I can't believe he would just leave so fast. I look around the apartment. "Guess is clue time." I inspect the area carefully and sniff the area. No traps. Good. I guess I should have sniffed before bashing in the door...

    I go into the bathroom and look at my beautiful face. Ah, yes. I only keep getting ***ier with age. "Looking goodddd." I do a thumbs up to myself. Well, I would have IF I HAD THUMBS!!!!

    I check the medicine cabinet to see what he had there. Nothing. Weird.

    I go and inspect the living room. Not much going on around here. I see a flyer for his business on the couch. I pick it up and turn it around. Had a grass stain. Hmm. Don't think I can do much with this. But defiantly he was here.

    The last place to check was the bedroom. There is where I would reel back from what I saw. Scribbled on the walls in blood was a message for ME! "YOU THINK YOU ARE GETTING CLOSE?" In the bed, there was another body. It seemed new. At least a lot fresher than the last victim. I close my eyes and shake my head. No. Not again. How many victims will BIG CITY claim? I see the warm glow of a laptop. Wait... what? He left that here still? Why would he even do that?

    I slowly inch closer to the laptop. The screen was left at a pic of a cute little bear face that said click me.


    I looked around before deciding to do that. The person that was killed was a woman. He was always a bit tiffy to the opposite ***. He was something else. But why would he kill this one by cutting her up besides doing an elaborate set up for a message? I stare at the blood that dried in the wall. Seems it was a few days ago. Possible just three. Idk. Maybe, I'm not a forensics person. Im guessing here.

    I search under the bed and find a bag of lawn care pesticides. Bingo. This might have been used in the first murder. The only problem is how did he give it to Robin in the first place? Hmmm. More questions than answers now in this case.

    I check for anything else in the apartment. The kitchen was empty. Cupboards empty. He cleaned out. That, or he was just using this as a temporary place. To plan his murders? Still, nothing else to show that he used this place much. I open the refrigerator and the only thing inside was packets of ketchup. I take them. Never have enough ketchup in my cave. What? I don't make enough lately.

    The last thing to do now for sure is call the police and let them know of the body I found. Curious to find out who that person was.

    The glow of the laptop gets my attention more though before I call the pigs in blankets. I go back to it slowly and stare at the image. What is this some macabre clue? I slowly move my furry paw to the laptop and use my claw to click on the cute bear face.

    Suddenly images of the little drowned bear cubs show up quickly as it showed how he finished the pure innocence of the forest. I stared in horror then screech and fall backwards and hit my head on the end of the bed and black out...

    #10 TurkingBear, May 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2014
  11. TurkingBear

    May 8, 2013
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    This is not what I expected

    ...I wake up from my black out. Ummmm.... where am I? I squint my beady eyes in the darkness. This... isnt the apartment anymore? Wait, who what the ****?!?! What are these bars?! No. Oh, **** no. I get up and grab unto the bars.

    "What the **** is going on here? I DEMAND JUSTICE. I DEMAND BEAR SATISFACTION!!!!!"

    I see someone come closer and peeks their head towards me. An officer. "Umm.... you are under arrest for murder Mr. Bear. The body was found to have claw marks. Rip to shreds she was. Also doesnt help you had blood on you."

    "What?" I look at my beautiful pristine long coat and notice it had red stains. What the?

    "Whoa, wait a minute! I can explain what happened! This is just ketchup! IT'S KETCHUP BELIEVE ME IT'S JUST KETCHUP!!!!"

    "Sure! Whatever you say. You will talk to someone soon and give a statement. The Chief would love to talk to you." I Grumble to myself and sit on my cell. Great. Just great. Who would have thought ketchup would be my downfall?

    I fall asleep while sitting down. It might have been days. Maybe years I fell asleep. Or maybe it was 30 minutes. I tend to exaggerate things sometimes. I was woken up by a rattling.

    "Up you lazy Bear! The Chief wants to talk to you. Go to the interagation room. They want to hear your story and see how you weasel yourself out of MURDER!"

    I sneer at the little punk and get up and they handcuff me with huge bear cuffs and I walk towards the interrogation room. I wonder how easy I can bust these cuffs? I mean it's not like that cheap little metal in the middle can actually stop my BRUTE BEAR STRENGTH but I was sure I can get out of this allegation.

    The room is dark. I look around. The door closes behind me.

    "Ummm....ok... what is this?"

    Suddenly a light is shine towards my face. I swipe at it.

    "AUGH DONT DO THAT!!! I could just MURDER YOU!!!" Oops haha. That wasnt a good choice of words there.

    "Oh, really? Just like you murdered MSUHolly??"

    "Hey, man. I didn't kill no one. Im a detective. Detective Bear. I was there cause I was following a lead. It wasn't me. It was Razorbacks. He did it. Wait.... MSUHolly? Isn't that another forum member from MTurk Forum? Wait.... DIdnt Razor really hate her too?"

    "HEY IM THE ONE ASKING THE QUESTIONS HERE BUDDY. Or should I say.... TurkingBear...."

    What the? This is unreal. Who is this person. Not like many real life people know my online persona. ...What? It's true! I stare behind the light he shone at me. His face was familiar. Like a movie stars. Undeniably, I was staring at another person I knew from Mturk Forum. It was VORP.

  12. TurkingBear

    May 8, 2013
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    VORP: Police Chief getting to the nitty gritty

    "VORP, yousonofagun!!! How you doing?" I raise my large furry paw to the air. He just stares at me.

    "Don't leave me hanging bro...." I stare at him. He stares at me. I look at him and he looks at me.

    "You better put your paw down you are getting no high five FOR MURDER. Did you forget you are being charged WITH MURDER?????"

    I look around trying to avoid the light.

    "That is annoying you know. My eyes dilate a lot and then I get really worried. Also where is my fedora?"

    "I'm the one asking questions here Bear. So what were you doing in that apartment. Besides reworking the crime scene to get rid of traces of your wrong doing?"

    "Oh come on, now! The body was dead for a bit and they spread the blood around with a message meant for me. I was set up I say! SET UP!"

    "Why were there claw marks in the body then? Seems to me it was you. Plus your jacket is bloody." VORP sneers at me. "You sure you are just aren't trying to cover up for a 4 murders now? I got it all up here buddy in my mind how it went down." Points this his head. "It's not looking pretty for you."

    "Ok, wait up I can explain everything. The blood in my jacket? It's ketchup! It seems the packets blew up when I fell down and got unconscious." I pull up the ketchup packets from my trench coat's pockets. "See? So like that works out. Do A DNA test if you want. Im sure you will only find tomatoes."

    VORP looks at the ketchup packets. "Ok, and? What about the claw marks? Don't think anyone else fits that description. The way I see it Bear, you did this murder cause this person knew that you killed RockinRobin. Cause you knew you were the ONE WHO KILLED THOSE BEAR CUBS AND THAT IS WHY YOU COULDNT SOLVE THE MURDER. It seems all so simple. That is why that laptop had those pictures of the bear cubs. So you can see your prized kill day in and day out. You sick ******* ursine."

    My eyes dilate again with the light flashing into my eyes. Then it hit me.

    "There was a large cat here near Big Forest the other day...." I stare at VORP. "I think we have various killers running loose now Chief....and it sure as hell ain't me."

    VORP looks at me and my eyes. "We will check the claw marks and see if they match yours. If they don't, I guess your story checks out. But keep in mind Bear, I am unto you and your shenanigans of amateur sleuthing."

    I grimace. Ugh. He would say that to me. He is just mad I solved more cases than he did. They escort me to my jail cell and I fall asleep again. Bears need their beauty rest you know?

    Another couple years might have passed by as I fell asleep in my jail cell dreaming about eating bunny rabbits whole when suddenly a rattling in my cage.

    "Yo, Bear! Wake up. Sheesh it was only fifteen minutes and you fell asleep already?! Anyway, your story checks out. The claw marks aren't from a bear. It was a large cat. Huge. Maybe a tiger? They weren't sure. But you are free to go now. Also here is your fedora. We clean it up for you too. VORP also says he go his peepers on you still." He does the eye to me finger motion.

    I get up and take my precious and stylish Fedora® and place it on top of my handsome head and leave the precinct. Assholes. Wasted my time. It's raining a steady stream and the whole area looks sinister. I look into the cloudy sky and see an image of two bear cubs faces. I then walk alone in the rainy streets as tears stream down my face.

    To be continued MAYBE? tomorrow.
  13. TurkingBear

    May 8, 2013
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    Opening the Old Shop again


    I have been trying effortlessly to try to figure out where to go next with my leads. I had nothing but a mysterious cat murderer and a giant boar running loose and no idea how to track them now. I tried to not do much in my cave while trying to do work because I noticed it was bugged now. I didn't mess with them either because I knew they would arise suspicions. So I would not answer calls in my cave and only tried to watch TV to pass the time and hope something would come to me.

    VORP obviously is still keeping watch on me for he still thinks it's me somehow. Obviously he might think IM the one masterminding everything. I rather not take calls in case I do get a break and if he listens well then he might solve the mystery first and take all the credit. I am not going to let him do that. No. THIS IS MY REDEMPTION, NOT HIS!

    The phone rings again. I wonder if I should pick it up and I just let out a long sigh. Rather not. It's better that way. I'm slacking sitting on my old couch that I found one time in the forest and dragged it into my cave. Best thing I found in the forest to be honest. Besides the burger phone, my old CRT TV and of course this swanky ass Fedora®. I am watching TV as I see a man go to work in his office. He is complaining how his coffee is cold. That's when it hit me. My old office! I wonder if I can still rent that old spot in Big City and use it as a base of operations. I thoroughly doubt VORP would think of me going back there. Yeah.... that is what Im going to do. I will go into the diner and ask the frog to find out if it's still available. I will go incognito this time though.

    I go out and walk out on all fours and run to the pancake house. I go in the back and look at the garbage bin. Whenever I wanted to ask a different favor from the frog I would move the garbage bins around to make it seem I was stealing food from here and he would come out and ask me what I wanted. I mean I could go in there and do the same with my trench coat but it wasn't night time and there was way too many people.


    I make my move. I go up to the garbage and grab it and start dragging it around as noisily as possible so he knows I am here. I do it for a few minutes. Before long, I smell food in the garbage bin...Before I knew it I was inside and chewing on a half eaten burger. Man, who throws perfectly good chewed food away?!?!?

    I hear the back door open.

    "Bear, you out here? Where are you?"

    I peek my head out from inside the bin. "Umm...I need a favor...."

    "Why are you in the garbage? I mean I really doubt people are going to care a bear is back here. That paranoid?" TurkorTreat notices crumbs on my snout. "Really? REALLY BEAR? EATING GARBAGE NOW?"

    "I couldn't help myself! It was so tasty and uneaten!!!" The amphibian just rolls his eyes on me.

    "Hey remember my old office? Think I can get that back? Or is that already rented out again? I need another base of operations. Having my old one would be great though. So discreet and far off but close enough to both Big Forest and Big City. I got the cash to rent it out."

    The frogger smiled at me. "Oh, for sure you can! The landlord will be really happy to rent that place out again. See, he could never rent the place cause for some reason people thought it was cursed cause before people saw claw marks and heard growling all the time. ...which was you by that way! HO HO! So I'll set that up for you and you can go in starting next week possibly! In the mean time, stay out my garbage ok?"

    "Ok...." I slink back into the bin and finish a half of pizza I found in there too. Man, I got to go dumpster diving more often.

    After I finished my meal, I go rush to my house. I am so excited to go back to my HQ. When I got to my cave, I noticed something was off. I don't remember my rocks moved that way...

    I look around for footprints. None. Great. It's not a human. Then what was it? I sniff around. Hmm...

    Guess nothing dangerous was around. I go inside my cave and get shocked at what I see laying right there on my sofa...

    To be continued tomorrow.
  14. TurkingBear

    May 8, 2013
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    In the old home of sleuthing

    ...there on my sofa was some FRESH PIZZA! OMG! That is awesome! I go up to it and check the note on it. "Hey, stop eating garbage Bear. Eat some fresh food from someone. LIKE ME YOU CHEAPO! signed, TurkorTreat." I smile and then laugh as I gobble down the cheesy slice goodness like it was my last meal. Hmmm. I do love me some pizza.

    A week passed by again but this time I had a new base of operations. TurkorTreat did get my old place back. I got the key from him directly and was ready to head out and dust the place a bit and start doing some more headway on this case. Nothing else really has happened in the meantime so that is good and bad. Good cause the killer OR killers stop messing about getting more victims. Bad because I still have no clues whatsoever on where they can be hiding or where they could be at now. Although Big City is easy to spot, he is hardly ever seen. His moving business too is almost invisible. There are fliers all over town but I never see lawns get cut? Totally weird.

    I put on my gear and put on some mean sunglasses. Don't want to look at that conspicuous you know! It's time to visit the Mystery Hole. That's what I use to call it. The Mystery Hole. It's a good name. It has mystery. It's a hole. It's where I hole up with my mysteries and solve them. It's a great name.

    I take a cab to the spot and go inside trying to make very little noise. I don't want anyone to know I'm here. For now since I don't want people to know where I'm at. They might hint off VORP or even worse, the murderers. I think they are starting to watch me too.

    I get up to the third floor and see the door. Number 309. I put the key in and turn it and open the door slowly. I peek inside as if waiting for something to happen...

    And nothing does. It's exactly the way I left it. Well except for a ton of dust laying all over my items. The desk was super dusty.

    "Huh...." I go over and sit down on my big chair and stare around. It really was just one simple room and a bathroom on the side. Nothing else. It literally was just one medium size room, with a huge desk and chair, a phone, and a coat rack. There was also a smaller chair when people came to me to solve things for them.

    "I really should clean." I sniff around. Yup, that's dirt. "I wonder what's inside my desk drawers. I forgot what I left in here."

    I open the drawer to the left of me. Awwww, sweet Russian vodka. Nothing like a little sip to calm the nerves. I open it up and take a swig.

    "That's some good stuff! I think I need to visit those crazy Russians...." My mind flickers with excitement. "Yes! The Russians! I need to find the ones I know. Those bastards know the underground better than I do. Time to make a few calls and see if I can find the redhead and the baldo."

    It's time Bear make some calls to the Russian Mafia...

    ...and clean his office.

    #14 TurkingBear, May 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2014
  15. TurkingBear

    May 8, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Deep inside the seedy underbelly of Big City

    After I finish dusting my old pad of mysteries, I tried finding out where my Russian connections where at. They like changing their HQ every once in a while to avoid suspicions and of course, to not get eventually murdered. Smart guys and gals. I should do the same someday or eventually someone is going to find out where I am.

    I make a few calls to the lower level goons and find out the mid bosses moved deep inside Big City. For those who are not familiar with Big City, it is built like a fortress. Instead of a "DOWNTOWN" area where the buildings are in the center, they are built around the city. The big buildings and towers surround the city from outside. That's where most people tend to live anyway. The deeper you go into Big City the worse it gets. It's like going into a warzone. Filth and grime, sleazy bastards, and the worst drivel imaginable. They say that the center of Big City is Hell.

    I don't believe these stories but then again I never have gone too deep into it either. I can barely stomach most people at times and seeing humanities "ELITE" wasn't something I wanted to do unless I had a reason. Turns out my contacts are now deep in Big City. I hang up my phone that is shaped like a pizza. I do love my phones to be food like. My cell phone looks like a hot dog when unfurled. Haha!

    The goons told me I should go to a certain address. It was a bar of sorts. I just had to ask to see "them." But I had to order a certain drink first. A drink I hate. A drink I despise. A metropolitan. God, how I hated that drink. I get why they would use that too. No one would ******* order that in a Russian bar and then ask that. Too random.

    I took a cab and told my driver where the destination was. He got very afraid and said he doesn't go that far. He would leave me about two miles away from the spot. I look around and then agree. I don't mind walking. I am not afraid. Well I should be but I am not.

    As the driver makes his way to the area, I can see the neighborhoods getting worse and worse. Pimps, prostitutes, desolate lowlifes, and I think I saw an armadillo? The streets kept getting filthier and filthier and some houses seem like they were beaten hard with the ugly stick. It smelled like rot and decay here too.

    Suddenly the driver stops and tells me it's as far as he will go. I thank him and pay him for the ride and look out the streets. Man, this place sure is ****ty. I start walking to the bar as fast as I can since the sun was going down. Now I was getting afraid. You dont know what can come out at night. Suddenly get attacked by a Sasquatch or a kodiak bear and I can't deal with that.

    My trench coat blows in the wind as I walk briskly to the right direction. Then I finally see it. A dingy hole with Russian letterings. ад. I can't read that. Whatever it is, it's small. I go inside and I see the rough customers inside. They all look at me but then they go back to their own little devices.

    I go to the bar area and sit down. I tip my Fedora® and smile to the bar lady. "One Manhattan please."

    She serves me my drink and then I tell her. "I want to see "them."" She looks at me funny and then goes, "Ok."

    I look at my drink and gag. Blaugh. I dont like you. A voice from behind me startles me a bit.

    "Well, would you lookey here. A bear. It's been a long while since you last talked to us. Something amiss buddy?"

    I turn around and see a red headed woman. She is smoking. I can't tell what. Man, I must have been gone for a long while.

    "Kruschev...I want to talk to you and the other Russian."

    "Well then, follow me. He is in the back doing other things." I look around and see the tough customers again. Should have brought something with me, just in case I needed it. Hmmm... doubt it. Russians do love us bears.

    I go to the back and there is the other Russian. He has his feet on the desk and smoking a cigar. He stares at me and I look at him.

    "Bear, it's been a while. Are you still doing that detective work or are you here to take up my offer I told you about long time ago?"

    "Karamozov....I didn't come here to be your lackey. I came cause someone is causing trouble. So yes, I am still detectiving. Is that a word? I can't tell. Well who cares. I know you guys are usually in the up and up so I want to know, seen any hogs or big cats around here lately? Anyone funny looking. I believe they are causing murders that happen a few weeks ago."

    He stares at me again and laughs. "Maybe we do know about these people. I mean how wouldn't we? Murder is a great sin. One of the biggest ones. And why wouldn't they try to appear here in this part of Big City?" He turns and looks at Kruschev and they both laugh. I don't get the joke.

    "Welcome to Hell, Bear."

  16. TurkingBear

    May 8, 2013
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    What is Hell but another destination?

    "So this is Hell? Huh.... no wonder there is a lot of people Russian about. HA HA!!!!!" I spit up and guffaw so hard by my bad pun. See it's really rare when I make a good pun so when I do I kill myself with laughter.

    Karazamov and Kruschev just look at each other in disbelief and then start to laugh with me.

    "BAHAHAHHAHAHAH! RUSSIAN!!! GET IT?! They are Russians here?! I KILL ME!" I fall over and start to roll over laughing can't contain my belly laughter from such a damn good pun. OH MAN! I wonder how long will it be before I make another doozy like that one?! I howl and cajool myself to tears.

    I get up slowly still slowly laughing and sit down on a chair. "Oh man... haahha. Russian....Anyway. Murders. I Got two. You seen any rough animals you sneaky, no good Russian mobsters? I know your kind."

    Karazamov purses his lips. Kruschev sighs. I burrow my frow.

    "Come on it's not like you guys went legit. I know your kind. Just like I know my kind. And frankly I don't give a damn what you do as long as you don't get in my way. So have you seen some big cat? Like a cheetah or a puma? Also I'm sure that you know about Razorbacks. I am looking for him too. I know you and him don't like each other but if you know where he is I like to speak to him. I think those two are my prime suspects and not only that I am damn sure it was them two. Or something is up."

    Karazomov points to Kruschev to get him a notepad. He grabs it and writes a note on it. He crumples it up and then tosses it to me. I open it up and look at it. It says, "Call me at this number. I am mad with Kruschev and dont want her knowing all my business dealings."

    I make shifty eyes. .... I stare at Kruschev. Then I stare at Karazomov. This is getting awkward.

    "So... do you guys know they make phones that look like hamburgers...?"

    "YOU CAN LEAVE NOW BEAR!" Karazamov shouts at me.

    "right ... right haha..." I tip my Fedora® to Kruschev and go M'Lady.

    I leave the back room and go to the bar. I am amazed at what I see. IT'S A TIGER! IT'S A FREAKING TIGER DRINKING... a martini?

    I slowly creep up behind him. Then he says, "I want to see, "Them."" What the ****? What is he up to? What does he want with the Russians? I creep back into the backroom and hide in the shadows as well as a bear can. I see, from a distance that Kruschev appears and escorts him to the back. I tip toe closer to hear what they are up to.

    I take a glance from the corner and notice it is just her and the tiger. Huh? Is this why Karazomov is weary of Kruschev? Is there some double dealing going on here? What does she want with a tiger?

    "So far, so good. I think we are getting ahead of ourselves though. If the plan is to go well, we have to lose the Bear. Has he come around yet? I know he talks to you at times."

    "Don't worry about the oaf. He is a stupid Bear. Remember he didn't solve his last case..."

    "Yeah, but you forget IT IS THE SAME PERSON that is involved this time with these new murders. He was a very, very capable detective. You think he was going to catch that murderer then? He won't do it now. I can't show my face around or we ruin this WHOLE OPERATION!"

    I am trying to process what is going on. What the **** is going on here... are they involved in all this? To what extent? And who is WE? Is it more than those two? Is Kruschev in on this and the murders of those poor bear cubs? I try to hear some more.

    "The operation is a go. It's gears are moving and won't be stopped anytime soon. This was the plan from the start. Even if anyone figures something out they will never find out the whole ordeal. They will get only so far. Remember we hid most of our plans in NetMSi HQ. It's in the computer in the 7th floor. Where they make all that dirty filthy milf ****. We had to coerce the person to hide the data there but I really doubt anyone will figure it's there."

    That's where I need to go. NetMSI HQ and see what they are truly planning. This sounds like something else. Something sinister. Something.... gnarly.

    I crawl out back to the bar and Karazomov is staring at me now. I sheepishly grin and go... "I Forgot.... some ... stuff... these..."

    I go into my coat pocket and pull out lint. "I forgot my lint! It's my lucky lint. Can't go without it!"

    Karazomov smiles and shooes me off. I leave out the door of the dingy bar. I look back at the sign with those Russian words. I wonder what it means? If this is Hell, then I am truly missing the joke.

    I start my long trek going home. I decided it's time I did a bit more walking. Plus, I don't have much cash on me anymore. I better get some more benjamins into my bank account.

    I stroll home, as it begins to rain again. Why must it rain when I'm trying to walk!? I get wet, then wetter, and then wettest and by the time I get home I am a walking water bear. When I got home the sun appears. ...Sometimes I wonder if the weather is trying to mess with me.

    I go and lay out in the sun to dry up and think about what I heard and what I got so far. I have to call The Russian and figure what that's about. Maybe he knows about the tiger. Or set me up with Razorbacks. I need to also go to that building and break in and get that info from that computer. Whatever is in there might shed more light into the whole situation. Whatever this "operation" is sounds like some nefarious shenanigans and if this deals with the murders then it got a whole lot more interesting than just some women that wound up dead by some nut bags.

    I stare into the sky and yawn. Before I knew it I fell asleep and started to dream.

    To be continued some OTHER DAY
    #16 TurkingBear, May 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2014
  17. freedolphin

    Mar 25, 2013
    Likes Received:
    this is literally the dumbest thing I've ever seen.

    I should've killed you years ago.
  18. TurkingBear

    May 8, 2013
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    The big break in

    I awoke from my slumber and twitched my eyes. Darn how long was I out? I was dreaming I was fighting kung fu squirrels and as I beat them all down with my mighty bear fists suddenly a huge roaring razorbacks rushed me from the side and knocked me to the ground. As the huge boar creature was about to gore me with his tusks I woke up then and there.

    I sit up and look around. My trench coat is filled with squirrel feet marks. No wonder I had a dream about fighting squirrels. Stupid little things were probably all over me when I was sleeping. I hate squirrels, I also hate chipmunks. Those stupid little critters are all small and annoying and just CHIP CHIP CHIPPING away in the forest. Wish they just PACK IT UP AND GO HOME! Stupid little buggers. I dust myself and finally get up on my hind legs.

    The sun was setting in. This would be a good time to go into NetMSI HQ's and check out that info that was supposedly being hidden in a computer. NetMSI's HQ was also in Big City but in the other side of the outskirts of the city. I needed to get there as fast as possible and without causing too much of a commotion. As always, I got a cab. I called one in using my great hamburger phone and told them where I wanted to go. They agreed and before I knew it I was looking out the window of the yellow vehicle as I was going to my destination.

    It was particularly cloudy this night and was unusually darker than most nights. These gloom was a bit unnerving to me for this time of year but I had to go in. I didn't want to waste time just in case they decide to take the info elsewhere. I told the cab driver to take me just one block away from the place and I would walk the rest.

    As I paid the cab driver for his fare, he asks me "What no tip?"

    "Want a tip? Don't die tonight." I walk towards my destination and see the large building that is NetMSI HQ. The building was huge but I needed to go to the seventh floor only. Odd part of being in the end of town is that you start to hit the country again right away. I saw some stables not to far away from the huge structure. Big City was one hell of a weird city.

    I went close and look inside where the fence was stopping me. I take out some binoculars to survey the area. I see no guards. Huh. Well, it is just a ****o studio where people make their deprave little shows. I take out the clippers and cut a hole in the fence and get inside. Mind you, that hole was not small. Might as well say, I ripped that fence in two so I can get inside.

    I sneak in the shadows and try to not make a noise. Harder than you think when you are my size! I try to make out if there are any cameras. I guess not. I see nothing. Well, nothing noticeable. I go to one of the back doors. Good. It has a window. Using my clippers I smash the window in and open the door. Not the most sneaky way to get inside but it gets the job done. I really start to doubt there is anyone in here trying to guard the place.

    I go inside the HQ and walk around. Dark. But not so dark I can't see. I go to the hallways and try to find the elevator. Might as well take the easy route. I find them and wait for it to come. It dings and opens it's doors. I go inside and notice something peculiar. The seventh floor is not on here. It's missing! What the? Now how does that work? I go back outside and decide to take the stairs to the seventh floor now.

    I climb up the stairs and start to groan. Man, I am not fit for this kind of exercise anymore. I get to the seventh floor sweating and then notice that the seventh floor door is made out of pure metal. Great. I can't bash it in. Now what do I do?

    I look around and notice there are air vents going into the seventh floor. Huh...Maybe if I go up one floor and try to get inside an air vent I can somehow manage to get to the seventh floor? I go up one more round of stairs and go inside the 8th floor.

    Walking around the area I tried to find a vent opening so I can go below. The vent LOOKED large enough for me to sneak in and then I can just drop down to the are below. I go inside one office to see if there was an opening. Nope. I go down the hallway and see posters for lots of new ****s. Butt Bashers 15, DO ME 78, and the newest HOT TITLE, I AM HORNY I NEED TEN LOADS INSIDE ME 25. I just stare at it for a while and then laugh. Aw.... ****.

    I finally found an opening in an executives office. I rip open the grill and start to crawl inside. It seems it is big enough for me... I crawl in a tight squeeze and try to figure out where the hell I was going. I keep crawling and then see slots on the bottom and I peek through. Ok seems I am in the sixth floor if I bash down.

    Then I notice it, a flashlight! I tense up. Ok... I can't just... bash down now. Seems someone is patrolling around here. It looks like the vent went on top of a hallway. I start to scoot more down and try to find a place where I can drop down.

    I keep moving up ahead and then.... I got stuck. I was stuck in the vent! I pushed, I kicked, I scratch hoping to move out of my tight situation and noticed I wasnt moving at all. Crap. Just what I needed! I can't be stuck in a vent! I can see the headlines now!


    Crap, better get out of here! I put more effort into moving and before I knew it the vent gave out and it broke! It broke into pieces and I fell on my stomach. Ouch....

    I look around my surroundings. Huh. Seems I lucked out and fell into a janitor closet. I notice it has three little small "windows" and went to see what was out there. I open one and peek inside. It was looking into the hallway and notice the flashlight was getting closer. Crap. Better close the window. I close it and sit down so my shadow wont give me away.

    After the flashlight has passed, I look out the window again. Hmmm ok, seems coast is clear for now. The door was to the side and I open it slowly trying to not make a noise. Now the problem was trying to find what computer in this floor would have that info and not get caught on whoever was in this floor. I didn't even know if it's just one guy here or more.

    I peek my head through the door opening to make sure no one is around that area. Ok good, it's empty. I walk out and close the door slowly behind me. Better move quick and try to find this computer. I zip and I zop and jaggy jay and jaggy shoo the area. I sneak around the perimeter and try to see where this flashlight dude was at. Then I spot him. Seems like a guard? I notice he leaves through the metal door going out to the stairs. Hmmm... maybe going on break? Now is my chance I think to really check the surroundings. I first perk my ears and try to hear if anyone else is in the floor. I hear no foot steps. Ok, time to steal some data!

    I look into the offices and try to figure out which one would make sense to store top secret info in. So far, most where just cubicles. Nothing exciting. If at all, seemed like a normal work place. There was only one cubicle that had a 24 pack of sodas under the desk and I open the case and took a can out and took a drink. Awww. Refreshment!

    Finally I find a big executive room. The light is still on. Weird. I open the door slowly.... The leather chair is huge but turned around. The back towards me. I look at the area and notice a huge poster for "BONER WANKERS 500." Wait, that got 500 sequels? WHAT THE HELL!!! I was waiting for Big Booty Party 3 to come out still and this, THIS GETS 500 SEQUELS?!!!

    I walk up to the chair and turn it around so I can sit down and check the computer and I gasp as I notice the seat was already occupied. I take a few steps back and start to curse.

    "For ****'S SAKE! NOT THIS AGAIN!"

    There on the chair, a man lays dead...

  19. Nabeshin

    Nabeshin Member

    May 27, 2014
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  20. TurkingBear

    May 8, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Shot in the Dark

    I stare at the cold lifeless body. I see his super neat sunglasses. I take them and put them on my face. :cool: Hell yeah free sunglasses! What? He isn't going to need them anymore now that he is dead. I stare at his physique and noticed he was cut up bad. Claw marks. Maybe tusk too? But more definitely claw marks. Could be the tiger beat me to the punch. And then that is when I noticed.... It's Ryberg! The fuck! I know that guy too from the forums! I didn't knew he worked for NetMSI. I scratch my furry head and sigh. This is getting to fucking weird. I look at the monitor and notice it's warm glow. It was on! Great! I can now check what the fuck I was looking for.

    I use my big furry hands and move the mouse around and click on various things and then it hit me. He might have hidden the folder... I click on the empty home screen and ask it to unhide any hidden folders. Then a WHOLE BUNCH OF FOLDERS APPEARED IN THE DESKTOP!

    "Fucks SAKE! Why isn't anything easy right now?!?!?" I don't have time to check which of these files are important. I put the flashdrive on the computer and download all the hidden folders into my USB. I take it out and put it into my trench coat's pockets.

    "I will check these at my office and see what he was hiding. Hopefully I will get closer to this mess..."

    Then I hear something... I look up slowly from my position and see the rent a cop is staring at me while pointing his gun at me.

    "What are you doing here? How did you get inside?! I'll let you know, I already called the cops and they are on their way here... You can't escape! Wait... what the? You kill him! YOU----"

    As he was so busy talking, I took liberty to grab the computer monitor and chuck it to his ugly face. It does a sickening crunch and I start to dash out of the building. I go through the only door that seems to let out of this freaking floor and try to dash down the steps. That was my greatest folly...

    My big bumbous body is not use to steps so well so I started to ROLL all the way to the bottom.


    I crash into the wall with a smash! "Ow...that is going to hurt in the morning..." I touch my pockets. Is the flash drive alright? I feel it and notice it is in one piece. GREAT! A bit of luck! I slowly try to get up and then I hear the megaphone...

    "Bear! This is VORP! I know you are in there. Come out and raise your hands up and no one gets killed tonight. Specifically.... YOU!"

    "Fuck me. Fuck me sideways. FUCK ME IN THE AIR!" I shout. This is not turning out to be my day...

    I walk one more last steps to the bottom level of the building and noticed I can sneak out from the back in a garage area. They are most likely not going to come from that part...

    The megaphone crackles again. "Bear! I been patient enough with you. We are not sending the SWAT in to take you down. I hope you can take them down!"

    I go through the back and cautiously make my way through the area. I see a door that is partially open and see the SWAT members start to pass by. I hold my breath... They all just go on by...

    I get closer slowly to the door and then peek my head out. I think they are gone... I start to rush out that door and noticed the whole area is FENCED OFF AND I FORGOT!

    "Shit....I have to climb it... They are going to notice me trying to leave.... If I cut it, the same deal.... I have to risk it..."

    I ran all the way to the fence and jump to it and it made the loudest CLASH noise. I desperately cling to the fencing and try to make it to the top and jump off. Then I remembered... I never truly climbed a chain link fence.... I smash and dash my bear claws to some modest effort to get on top. Seconds felt like hours. I felt my life was going to end right there....

    "BEAR!!! LET GO OF THAT FENCE OR I WILL SHOOT!" VORP screamed at me.


    I turn my head to the side and look at him. The wind flows hard and it makes both our trench coats move to the side and ride the wind. VORP has his handgun out. I stare at it and then I just smile at him. Then I try to dash to the top and make it and jump to the ground and make a mad dash to the countryside.

    "BEAR! I WASN'T KIDDING!" I keep running as I hear shots ringing off in the distance. Then IT HIT ME. I fall flat on my face.

    "CRAP! HOLY SHIT HE ACTUALLY GOT ME!?!?!" I look at myself and notice I'm bleeding from my bear arm. "MY TRENCH COAT!!!! HE RUINED IT!!! IT TOOK ME FOREVER TO FIND ONE IN THE TRASH THAT WAS THIS GOOD!!!"

    I pick myself up and struggle as my arm tended to give out to try to lift me out the ground. I need both arms to get into bipedal position. I get up as quickly as I can and I can hear VORP in the distance trying to climb the fence. I start to rush nearby to the closest housed area which was some barns.

    I got shot but I felt I was going to get out of it alright. It was just a 9MM round and that doesnt faze us bears too much unless really good at certain areas and that rarely happens. Im lucky he was only shooting that gun though. As I ran to the barn I noticed I was bleeding on the ground and giving my trail away for the police to follow me. Shit....

    I get to the barn and notice a trash can on the side.... Seems it wasnt used it a while.... I rip a piece of my trench coat and use it to put a bandage over my wound. Can't let that bleeding continue and give out my position. Then I take off my Fedora and stuff it with my trench coat into the can. I close it up and start to walk on all fours and leave out the other side of the barn. I try to act nonchalant and act like a normal bear in the countryside and limp slowly into the wilderness. I see police cars zoom by all over and they pay me no mind.

    I got worried a bit as I saw one cop car slow down and they flashed their lights on me. I heard the cop telling another one "Hey, weren't we after a bear? Could be THAT bear there!"

    The other cop looks at me and goes, "Naw, bears are too stupid. Even the one we are after wouldn't have been too smart to get rid of his attire. Naw. That's another bear. We are now more into the countryside. Stupid oaf prolly looking through garbage." They leave and I keep on shuffling towards the trees.

    Stupid humans.... Always thinking us animals as inferiors.... BUT IT IS US THE BEARS WHO ARE SUPERIOR! I make it to the edge of the forest from the other side and lay on the tree trunk.... I been bleeding quite a while....

    "Getting kind of woozy....Hey.... where you two little bear cubs came from?" I see two bear cubs stare at me as they get closer and the light gets brighter...

    It all goes dark.

    #20 TurkingBear, Jun 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2014

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