ImageNet AMT

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by Playa_hamm420, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. Playa_hamm420

    Apr 21, 2012
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    Answer questions about annotated images ( EASY, large scale )

    I dont fully understand this guys rating scale.. Is it majority rules? Or does he have some extreemly shitty software..

    Ive done 100's of these hits with a near 95% sucsess rate however there is the small rejection rate with some of these hits that i feel i was 100% accurate.. Ive tried grading on a VERY harsh scale and get told Very good job and then the next hit i get told Many bad votes.. Ive tried grading on a very LIGHT scale same thing..

    It seems no matter how you judge these unless you get a very obvious one wrong.. the acceptance / rejection ratio is just really random approves 95% rejections every cpl at random is my guess.

    If you dont mind a 1 in say 15 rejections by all means do his.. Stay away from the ones that dont have EASY in the title there pretty much auto rejections of ALL your hits if you get 1 or 2 wrong.. that stung a little..
  2. aukxsona

    aukxsona User

    May 19, 2012
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    Mine were never an issue.

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