If a hit isn't approved or rejected, what happens?

Discussion in 'General' started by Epicman, Apr 7, 2012.

  1. Epicman

    Epicman New Member

    Do the hits and the work I put in just vanish? Does the system auto approve and I get payment?

    I have one particular requester in mind when I am asking about this. His hits pay well, but it has been a few days with not even one hit decided on and his ratings are dismal to say the least.

    So what happens? If there isn't an auto-approve system in place for requesters who abuse this place for easy/free work(as in putting in hits then either rejecting or just never putting in a decision on them), then maybe there should be.
  2. Jophess

    Jophess Member

    The HITs will auto approve after a maximum time of, I believe, 30 days.
  3. Yes, Jophess is right...
  4. Epicman

    Epicman New Member

    thank you very much. I seemed to recall seeing somewhere it saying that, and figured asking here would just reaffirm that for me and be a good way to feel the forum out. thanks for the answers

    Glad to see there is a system to help prevent abusers, now if there were only a good way of disputing ill-gotten rejections, which as far as i can tell is just to talk to the requester and hope for the best.

    Anywho, thanks for the replies everyone and have an awesome night/day!
  5. sunnymarie

    sunnymarie User

    Hi Epicman: Hope this forum is useful for you because it is for me. Amazon gave me this link which I will share with you and everyone else who is interested in checking it out. I wrote and asked for a how to do things page and this is what I got.


    They are working on improving it and in 1-2 months they will have it updated. I went and saw it answers many questions we sometimes have. Hope it helps. Take care, and have a good weekend. sunnymarie
  6. yes.. SunnyMarie.. that is the correct link ... For the things I don't find any answer, I will send a mail to the Mturk Team... :)

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