I want to get into Batch work

Discussion in 'General' started by abeltensor, Jan 19, 2016.

  1. abeltensor

    abeltensor Active Member

    Jun 2, 2015
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    So, i've been turking for about 3-4 months now. Mostly doing bigger hits that produce 50c+, surveys and the like. my problem however, is that no matter how much time i put into Mturk, i always seem to run out of hits because im ignoring the batches. Its like ill do all the decent surveys for the day then be stuck around 20-25 dollars for 3 hours of work and then just simply waiting for new hits to pop up will significantly decrease my cost efficiency.

    Long story short, i really want to start doing batches. The problem is i can never seem to figure out which batches are the good ones (aside from like C-stat or Mountain). I look at the greatest hits boards all day and i see people referencing these requesters but most of the time, if i take a look the hits are either really small and tedious or have already disappeared and even if i put the requester up on turkmaster, i never seem to ever see them post again.

    So my questions are two fold, how do you personally know when a batch is going to be cost effective (even if the first few hits you do are slow)?

    And is there some kind of secret to finding good batches?

    Also any requester names you can throw up here that i should be on the lookout for would be extremely helpful. Im not asking for those "super secret 50 dollar an hour" requesters but rather just some decent ones for reference.

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