HITs with misleading titles/descriptions

Discussion in 'General' started by CrankyOwl, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. CrankyOwl

    CrankyOwl User

    Is it just my bad luck or are there an increasing number of hits whose titles are completely misleading? I just accepted a hit called "Coffee Evaluations". I like coffee so this sounded like fun. But noooo...the actual hit is something about emotions and it starts off with a writing task where you're asked to describe a past emotional state. I immediately returned it but I don't get why a requester would do this. A hit about coffee might attract attention but it probably turns off a lot of people when they realize it has nothing to do with the title! There was a similar one yesterday with a title about product evaluations that started off with having to write about a humiliating or shameful experience in your past. Srsly?? :tsk:
  2. there are some twisted minds out there. i was subjected to a hit where you had to watch the same video over and over again and made to think that it's broken. and then after you've given up it finally finishes. it did warn that the video maybe unsettling though. some people are saying it warns you that the video repeats in the instructions but that wasn't even the problem at first. i didn't even get the repeating video until i reloaded the survey, the first time i was on an endless loop between it saying think about the video for 30 seconds and then asking me how i feel.

    i don't understand the purpose of this hit other than someone's sick idea for a joke, or a cheap way to get data on a psychology paper.

    good news i got paid, though it wasn't near enough for what i was subjected to.
  3. deeriley

    deeriley User

    I do get the feeling sometimes that some of these requesters put out studies to satisfy some kind of perverted curiosity, lol.

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