Hello quick HIT, Requester Jack Lindblad

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by xeroblade, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. xeroblade

    xeroblade Member

    Hello quick HIT

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2015
  2. heck I probably got 28 codes sitting in my bottle stash. =)

    edit-- I have around 20. I just did your hit but you only had one hit up.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2012
  3. xeroblade

    xeroblade Member

    Well give me a count and I will see what I can work out since you have a bulk amount. Then I will start a new hit just for you. Send me your mturk ID through mturk by searching my name, then clicking send this requester a message/email. Then I can make is so only you can get the hit and you will get a bonus since you have alot. Thanks
  4. ROFL @ this hit... Coke rewards are such garbage they NEVER have anything of value in stock Raar....

    Id give you all my codes for free if i drank coke anymore but switched to pepsi sorry! :D

    Just curious but why do you want the codes that bad??? Are they really worth 5 cents each to you?
  5. xeroblade

    xeroblade Member

    well they have two things on the list they have one is a ticket to sea world, retails for around 70 bucks for around 900 points. Also they now have 50 dollar nike gift cards for around 2000 points. That is why. Yes because my friends give me alot so I dont have to buy them all, this just helps me get to the goal faster thats all.
  6. xeroblade

    xeroblade Member

    I saw that and it went through, I also gave you a 5 cent bonus for doing it so fast and being the first one to give me a good code. I got your email and will be setting up the hit in a few mins, If you have 19 now I will let you send those in, yes it will 5 cents but you will get a bonus at the end that should make it a little nicer. Thanks
  7. alright =) is 18 though left.
  8. xeroblade

    xeroblade Member

    okay i started it, it should be showing up in a min or two I dont know how long it takes for them to show up in search.
  9. Good deal thanks for answering :D
  10. Thank you much =). Every little bit helps.
  11. xeroblade

    xeroblade Member

    I have approved the hit. I guess coke limits you on how many points you can use in a week. Did not know that but that is okay, you still will be paid. Since you put in all the codes in one assignment instead of the 18 slots, you got paid 5 cents and I gave you a bonus payment of 1.15 to cover the other codes. So that is 90 cents for the codes and 30 cents in bonus. Thank you!
  12. All is well. Good requester here. Paid already. Pretty darn good for coke codes I must say. Thanks again.
  13. xeroblade

    xeroblade Member

    your welcome. I didnt know coke limited you to 120 points a week, That is a bummer. Thou it isnt like if you get the codes for free or you paid for them they are not getting their money for the soda bought. This annoys me like those codes on the back of some foods that you put in to feed a child. It gives the illusion that they are helping but if everyone doesnt put in the code online, they are not on the hook for putting out all the food. Thanks again for the codes and the fast reply. I still have a open hit for everyone else. Also I am posting the proof that I did give out a bonus for those people lurking in the back crazy with mountain dew slobber.

    You can find payment proof at throu the link https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/tOeDQWsgG2BVaV0S3LOdrtMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2012
  14. xeroblade

    xeroblade Member

    correction, i closed the hit because I got like 10 codes from people all random numbers, not even long enough to be codes, people got to screw it up for people.
  15. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    In the future -

    You could put out a qualifier HIT. Someone puts in one code. If it's a good code, you qualify them to work on future HITs. I've seen that there's a way to do it so they do get paid. Helps weed out the ones that just want to waste your time.
  16. why put in a bogus code though? Don't people not want rejections...
  17. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Some people have high enough submitted/approved HITs that screwing with a requester now and again isn't such a big deal. It sucks, but there are people out there like that. They're the people at the office that like to create a toxic work environment.
  18. xeroblade

    xeroblade Member

    I dont understand it myself. i had this issue a couple years back when my girlfriend at the time was addicted to those mcdonalds codes for monopoly. When they switched to online so you didnt need the actual ticket. So she started a hit and alot of them were already used or not really useful codes. Out of the 100 hits she put out 75% of them were crap work. It seems like it is a waste of time for them but they think that no one checks the work. Some auto approve so they hope that is the case and try to send you garbage. thanks for the tip but only 2muchturkin ever sent me good codes. It kinda pisses me off that you cant find good workers these days. I bonus people who do go work but oh well, sucks to be them.

    2muchTurkin, if you get a handful codes again ill take them off your hands again. Thanks
  19. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    If I start to remember to keep my caps, I'll mail you and let you know if I have codes (if that's ok). I'm not going to send crap. I don't use them...which is why I'll have to try to remember to keep the caps.
  20. No problem. I'll try to save em up for ya.

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