Freelance Work

Discussion in 'General' started by Latoya Bradford, Nov 25, 2011.

  1. Latoya Bradford

    Latoya Bradford Active Member

    Has anyone else tried any other freelance websites like oDesk? I just set up my account and just wanted to know if everyone else had anything good or bad to say.
  2. yuppp...inboxdollars, microworkers....Many such sites are there. But from my exp, MTurk is the best paying, and have the largest number of HITs posted..
  3. Latoya Bradford

    Latoya Bradford Active Member

    Thanks King! I'm giving it a try but I'm still Turking! Hope you have a good day, I'm going to get into bed!
  4. And howz it going Toya???
    U found any good sites??
  5. Latoya Bradford

    Latoya Bradford Active Member

    I found some steady transcription work through oDesk. I like the site but it could be better. You have employers asking for certain nationalities to work ( China, India, and a few other countries) which I think is a bit crummy because its always for a lower rate than what other English speaking counties get(and these are tech jobs like coding). But some employers pay well, just have to weed them out like on Mturk. I've done two jobs in the past two days and I've made almost 70 dollars, which is better than I do on mTurk. But I still turk just as a fall back.

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