Favorite Thing and Least Favorite Thing About Mturk

Discussion in 'General' started by riddeck, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. riddeck

    riddeck User

    What's your favorite thing and least favorite thing about Mturk?

    My favorite thing is being able to make some fast cash whenever I want.

    My least favorite thing is the low pay, oh and the bubbles. Sometimes I feel like I'm trapped in a nightmare and I'm being punished one bubble at a time lol.
  2. izzxpopz

    izzxpopz User

    Favorite thing: The ability to work on my own time, from the comfort of my house! I love that.
    Least favorite thing: Not sure what to put here, only flaw I can think of that is a bit of a pet peeve is the random requesters who don't pay out, and at times mass reject. Okay, that's not much of a pet peeve, that's really quite frustrating.
  3. most favourites : Source of work thats compiled with ease and no obligations
    No targets specified in mind and easy to work on stuff like in a few
    seconds.Pays in currency my nation, India, the only nation afta
    the united States

    least favorites : No screening test by amazon to catch the bad requesters while
    workers are always at the threat of being suspended

    The least pay with regard to the hard work

  4. Fav. = money

    least fav. = rejections = no money

  5. Spidermmm

    Spidermmm User

    Favorite is high paying hits.

    Least favorite is low paying hits
  6. Mayhem

    Mayhem User

    Favorite: Being able to work around anything else I want to do.

    Least Favorite: The way Amazon completes withdrawals on Fridays that makes me not be able to get paid until Monday most times.
  7. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Most favorite: It's not a scam site. What you put in is what you get out - for the most part, there are exceptions to every rule.

    Least favorite: Learning the ropes for dozens of requesters instead of just one (like a boss).
  8. kayk111

    kayk111 User

    Most fav = work on my time

    Least fav = low paying HITs

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