Fast Style Question!

Discussion in 'CastingWords' started by ayeembored, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. ayeembored

    ayeembored Active Member

    Aug 21, 2012
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    Here's the situation. A speaker says... "My email address is Joe Blow, that's spelled B-L-O-W, at"

    In quotes is what I'm going with, and it's definitely something for the rare situations supplement of the style guide. I was waffling on whether to have the space or not the first time the person says their name. He's actually saying something like "...JoeBlow(that's B-L-O-W)"

    I don't think there's any GOOD way to transcribe this. Le Sigh.
  2. hapless

    hapless Guest

    Perhaps you may want to ask CW? You can submit a support request via (you should create a support account there first if you haven't already done so).
  3. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    Aug 30, 2012
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    Hm. I would type it like this:

    My email address is

    I wouldn't use quotes, unless he's quoting someone else or he's giving an example of how other people should make that statement. The reason you don't show him spelling it out is because he only does it once, so the transcript's goal is just to show the correct spelling, as if it were being used as a caption or subtitle for what he's saying.

    If he had said "...JoeBlow(that's B-L-O-W) Again, Blow is B-L-O-W" then, only because he was making a big deal of the speling out (by repeating himself), I would type

    My email address is Again, "Blow" is B-L-O-W.

    This is actually addressed in the Rare Situations Guide, under "Speakers are spelling out words. Now what?" Do you think it needs more detail?
  4. ayeembored

    ayeembored Active Member

    Aug 21, 2012
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    After reading this, and then rereading the rare guide, it's clear. But stoopid me wasn't reading the rare situations page correctly. I'd lean towards it being my fault, but it also could be that there's two rare situations in one in the example, both the speaker saying "In all capital letters" and spelling it out.

    But it's probably my inability to read instructions.
  5. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Apr 22, 2012
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    It's not your inability to read instructions, trust me :)
  6. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    Aug 30, 2012
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    There kind of are two situations there, yes, but that is partly how we kept the style guide from being even longer than it is---examples often show a couple of things going on. However, I only did that when the rules would apply equally to each case if the cases happened separately.

    That is partly why I try to keep an eye out for style questions here and on my blog and why I'm happy to field them directly from people, though. Grasping a longer style guide is easier when you understand how the person/people who wrote it were thinking. I'm willing to put a little time into helping folks get that.

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