"contact" bookmarklet

Discussion in 'Scripts' started by elt, May 1, 2013.

  1. elt

    elt User

    Feb 19, 2013
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    drag this bookmark to your bookmark bar or rightclick add bookmark
    MTurk contact

    this will popup 3 prompts
    for Hit ID, Requester ID Requester Name.

    please be careful with this, amazon could easily make this
    more difficult. don't pester requesters to add non master Hits
    for example, this is one reason why you can no longer contact
    requesters that you are not qualified for. please don't inundate
    requesters with questions especially if you won't be doing
    their hits anyway. choose your battles.
    also be careful to add the proper piece for each prompt.
    the Hit ID and requester ID is alphanumeric part of the links
    posted on the forum

    here's a madeup example.
    I dropped a character so it will be an error so don't try this.
    Title: Hiring Decisions
    Requester: JW [A3LHLR9Z70U8NQ] (TO)
    Description: Evaluate a job applicant based on brief information
    Reward: $0.20 Time Allotted: 15 minutes
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 50, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 50, Location is US
    Link: https://www.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=2KGW3K4F0OHOQI407ABO9L94NGL
    this is your typical hit export posted on the forum

    Hit ID:2KGW3K4F0OHOQI407ABO9L94NGL from the end of the Hit link
    Requester ID:A3LHLR9Z70U8NQ from the end of the requester and TO link
    Requester Name: JW

    I use this bookmarklet all the time to contact requesters that have
    unlikely or impossible qualifications that they probably didn't notice
    like equal 95 instead of greater than 95
    from US and from IN
    or to contact requesters on a hit that abandoned on me
    not that I have found a decent way to get them to do anything.
    but I do let them know they have too short a timer
    and mention any typo's I notice
    or wording that makes their instructions ambiguous.

    the best way to get a contact link is still to go into
    hits assigned to you while the hit is active
    click show details, click the link in the lower right.
    I usually try to view all the requesters hits
    then rightclick into a new tab the Hit I want to work on
    if there are problems then I can click file->work offline
    in firefox and pull up that page again.

    it's still a bit of a pain to put together the contact link
    even using this bookmarklet, but it gives you the option.
    in some cases, pointing a requester to the great hits thread
    where people are having problems can get the point acrost.

    **edit the properties to the code below if forum mangles it.
    I usually click for a new tab in firefox, then select the
    contact bookmark but sometimes nothing happens.
    if I load the tab with my local home page or some other page
    then it does popup the first prompt as expected.

    haven't tested anywhere but firefox but it should work.

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