Can't Find Marvelous HITs 11/23 Make the Most out of Monday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Nov 22, 2015.

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  1. Morrisa

    Morrisa User

  2. andybass

    andybass User

    There are more batches for more killing. Also, Washington Post website sucks big ones.
  3. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    3 days
  4. Turkinhard

    Turkinhard User

    Sup all. Seems dead.
  5. B

    B User

    Masters got their Thanksgiving bonuses from Amazon today so we're all lacking quite a bit of motivation this morning.
  6. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    All I got was a voucher for a free turkey. This is like one step above a company mug. FML.
  7. OtherOtie

    OtherOtie User

    Thanksgiving bonus...? I didn't get one
  8. Morrisa

    Morrisa User

    Let's all join hands and do a Spiek batch dance. I mean for real, doesn't he need holiday cards analyzed or somethin'?
  9. MrRascal

    MrRascal User

    Title: 100% are approved. 75 cents for 1 minute of work. Please do not do this if done the past 2 days.
    Requester: Roseanna [A1SL3VIYKMZHRD] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    0.00 Communicativity
    5.00 Generosity
    4.00 Fairness
    5.00 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 6
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Google search a word, find a site, click on the listing, record how long it takes the page to load when going from google to the site.
    Time: 20 minutes
    Hits Available: 1
    Reward: $0.75
    Qualifications: Location is US
  10. Turkinhard

    Turkinhard User

    That Zero To $1M in 12 months on amazon video from a few pages back got me all pumped up to make cash lol.
  11. WereAllDudes

    WereAllDudes Banned

    is there a script for whites?
  12. B

    B User

    Yeah, other forums are reporting that not all masters got the bonus. Maybe it'll come later or you got overlooked. Not sure what the deal is. Sorry.
  13. TurkHunter

    TurkHunter User

    Title: Decision Making Study - Must be full time employed with 1 year minimum work experience
    Requester: TLDR [A1TOHN39UKBEUT] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    3.50 Communicativity
    3.79 Generosity
    4.50 Fairness
    4.54 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 43
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Decision Making Study - Must be employed with 1 year minimum work experience
    Time: 60 minutes
    Hits Available: 30
    Reward: $0.60
    Qualifications: Previous xxxx has not been granted, Total approved HITs is not less than 1000, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 99, Location is US
  14. ang0614

    ang0614 User

    Make sure you tell Jeff we said thanks at the next meeting you guys have!
  15. WereAllDudes

    WereAllDudes Banned

    Seems like a nice sales pitch for their program.
  16. Nomad

    Nomad User

    Forgot to adjust pandas and left them all on. Just caught a random Racenote .07.

    EDIT: And.....another.
  17. WereAllDudes

    WereAllDudes Banned

    I got a $250 non master starter thanksgiving bonus today.
  18. Nomad

    Nomad User

    Less than 2 min.

    Title: Survey about your preferences.
    Requester: Altsuss [A1ATES40ZPE477] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    4.60 Communicativity
    3.30 Generosity
    4.89 Fairness
    4.71 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 72
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Survey about your preferences.
    Time: 60 minutes
    Hits Available: 19
    Reward: $0.40
    Qualifications: test id has not been granted, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95, Location is US
  19. TurkHunter

    TurkHunter User

    Non-master bonus, now your just making things up.
  20. Turkinhard

    Turkinhard User

    Mine just came through as well. Cool!

    Greetings from Amazon Mechanical Turk,

    You've received a bonus from Jeff Bezos for work related to Thanksgiving.
    The value of your bonus is: $250.00 USD

    The Requester included this note:
    Bonus for Thanksgiving

    Thanks for being a Worker on Mechanical Turk!

    Amazon Mechanical Turk
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