Can't Find Great Hits? Tuesday 6/25: Dolphin > Andy

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by freedolphin, Jun 25, 2013.

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  1. Jalisa7

    Jalisa7 User

    $.30 ever 30sec/1min, so much better and easier than them eggs :)
  2. G-Shock

    G-Shock User

  3. vex

    vex User

    Today's Projected Earnings $60.04

    Now I can rest for 30 minutes before it resets. Time to play dat 3ds.
  4. pdrmturk

    pdrmturk User

    I'm doing the same batch. Why's the number not moving? :)
  5. Don't you love it when the instructions are all like: write at least 3 tags, but feel free to do more.

    Well then, 3 it is.
  6. Jalisa7

    Jalisa7 User

    Damn, sorry girl :/ I'm still nervous, haven't gotten any instant rejects yet but I wouldn't be surprised if I woke up to some tomorrow.
  7. pdrmturk

    pdrmturk User

    I'm writing more just because I love movies.
  8. Awarebrah

    Awarebrah User

    How you use misc linguo? Are you wizard?
  9. hmm... sorry that's the one I use. But if you find what you seek, and it's superior, please do share like a good bear.
  10. Good luck, I'm sure you won't get any. >.<
  11. Jalisa7

    Jalisa7 User

    Don't know, don't care :) haha

    YES! Once in the blue I'll add more, but not very often.
  12. Jalisa7

    Jalisa7 User

    Title, year, one actor = DONE.
  13. hBoBh

    hBoBh User

    Linkie time plox?
  14. pdrmturk

    pdrmturk User

  15. jTurker

    jTurker User

  16. zingy

    zingy Guest

    dat feel when justin comes up on spotify :eek:

  17. Jalisa7

    Jalisa7 User

    Didn't really wanna put it out there, but anything for you :D

    Title: How to search for a video? (WARNING: This HIT may contain adult content. Worker discretion is advised)
    Requester: Elizeu Santos-Neto [A69KKEE0BVEW0] (TO)
    Description: What keywords would you use to search for a video? Suggest at least 3 different keywords in english to search for this video.
    Reward: $0.30
    Qualifications: Masters has been granted, Adult Content Qualification is 1
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​
  18. Brett

    Brett User

    Anyone have a script for worker ids for the Jesse?
  19. pdrmturk

    pdrmturk User

    gooby y u do dis
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