Can't find great HITs? 6/19 Terrific Thursday where we all kinda bug Monica!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by PavelDatsyuk, Jun 19, 2014.

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  1. Karamazov

    Karamazov User

    Yeah, they really want you, they really want you,
    They really do.
    Yeah, they really want you, they really want you,
    and I do too.
  2. *sneaks in* Looks like it's safe now...;)

  3. THat doesnt tell me who was phone :(
  4. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

  5. Karamazov

    Karamazov User

    stayed here one night for a wedding in Old Saybrook. Cheapest option, and we weren't using it for more than a place to change clothes and sleep. Yes it's dated, but the air conditioning worked great, bathroom was clean and updated, and manager on duty was nice. What else could you want/need from a motel on the highway?

    Are We Human, or are We Dancer?

    Bear did you ever read Marquez? He just died the other day. I was not pleased that this was so.
  6. You think I read people? You think I care about people's opinions. Their books? Their stories? No. I don't. Only one that matters is me. Only me. The rest are garbage. The only being that matters is me. I only study you like rats. I keep notes on everything you do. YOU WHO ARE WITH, WHO YOU FUCK, AND WHERE YOU LIVE.

    But tell me who is Marquez and why should I give a fuck?
  7. manzician

    manzician User

    Hi guys. Might be coming a bit late coming in. I think I have found the permanent fix for all the AMT tools woes. Follow these steps:-

    1. Download the crx file to your desktop.
    2. Extract it using 7-Zip
    3. Go to chrome ---> Extention page and turn on Developer mode.
    4. Click on "Load Unpacked Extension"
    5. Direct it to the folder where you unpacked the content of the crx file.

    It will install the extension and will never delete it. When you close and reopen Chrome, it will tell you that your developer extension might be dangerous but will never disable it. It's been working for me. If still doesn't work for anyone, let me know. :)
  8. Karamazov

    Karamazov User

    He writes the books that rats read, and the rats dream that they are gods. Often the rats die but gods die, it is not odd.

    I ran into an interesting philosophical wall just now: how would I describe Marquez to a man/bear without a literary-historical framework?

    He was a man that wrote stories about flowers and trees. These flowers and trees saw many men and women die and kill each other. They grew taller until they died and then they were new flowers.

    Marquez made life beautiful. That is why you should give a fuck.

    Never mind what he gave to the Spanish language.

    Never mind what he gave to me.
  9. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    Marquez is on my list of People To Read.
  10. *writes notes in journal* A nobody.
  11. IM sleepy and want a brug.
  12. Karamazov

    Karamazov User

    it is funny. They gave him the Nobel Prize, in a century that did not give Kafka the Prize, nor Joyce, nor Nabokov, nor Borges.

    Of the 5 great stylists (this is how I think of them), he is the most acclaimed. But surely he did not think that he was Kafka. No one has been Kafka. Even Kafka was not yet Kafka when he was drawing breath.
  13. Kafka be like the roach. Weird. How that happen? Big. But getting smaller as time goes on. Even he knew his fate.

    Love that story about the gates. Forget what its called.

  14. Who be Kafka? Did he know who was phone? ;)
  15. Karamazov

    Karamazov User

    Borges pointed out that Kafka created his own precursors; that they did not have their forms until he existed.

    "In each of these texts we find Kafka's idiosyncrasy to a greater or lesser degree, but if Kafka had never written a line, we would not perceive this quality; in other words it would not exist.


    "His work modifies our conception of the past, as it will modify the future. In this correlation the identity or plurality of the men involved is unimportant."

    I love you but you just hurt me so bad.
  16. He did not know about phone. No one knows about phone. Such great literature will not be writing until another three thousand blood moons.

    Or whenever I finish my cheap story lol
  17. nvm
  18. Apaullo

    Apaullo Multi Pennyaire

  19. But where is burg?!?!
  20. If I was joking about a food addiction before....

    I do have it now... I wnt to eat so many burgers. I want to overdose on them meaty patties.
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