2muchTurkin's Hit list

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by 2muchTurkin, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. chaos

    chaos User

  2. I only wish I could do those CrowdSource HITs :( 97.9% approval rate - heart breaking!

    I've been hearing that it's been a slow work day for the past 4 days on here. I'm getting the bad feeling every day is a slow day...
  3. Same I am at $12 so far and I think I have done over 400 1 cent review transcript for redwood.. mind numbing..

    Nah yesterday was good I managed almost $30 =]
  4. chaos

    chaos User

    Yesterday seemed pretty good to me. I ended up doing I believe a little over $12, and I didn't even get home to START turking until 6:00, and didn't really work for more than an hour and a half or so.

    Saturday and Sunday were slow, but that's the case pretty much every weekend.
  5. be careful with the one I just posted. The requester changed his format and I am unsure whether he is applying majority rules now. Please take this into consideration before doing a crap ton of these.

    edit: do not want a l2w revisit for anyone =(
  6. schlep

    schlep User

    I hope not. His Turkopticon looked good. I did 100-125 of 'em
  7. The Guards and The Treasure - *Anyone is welcome to play who meets the qualification, even if you have played previously*

    This is a great one I got 23 points!! Last time I played I got close to the same I think. Search for:
    James Pita
    there is a test to take which is just clicking a bubble so keep the 'for which you are qualified' box unticked when you search.

    Have fun!!
  8. By the way it pays $1 to start and .15 per point.. i got 23 so I made $4.45 and it took maybe 5 mins =)
  9. svmcgee

    svmcgee Active Member

    That was an awesome hit. I got $1 + 59x.14=8.85=9.95. (unless I was stupid and did my math wrong).

    Thanks! :D
  10. Thank you very much for that! Fun hit and good pay! Awesome!
  11. chaos

    chaos User

    I just did that game hit... 57 points! That's a $1.00 reward, plus $8.55 bonus
  12. schlep

    schlep User

    I knew I shoulda paid attention. I think I got 73 points, or maybe it was 78. That'd be like $11. No way am I gettng that? Am I? I even had the numbers confused at one point, again I just skimmed through the start. But I did only get 4 wrong.
  13. NoNo. It picks 4 random games out of them all and goes by just them. You should see the games they picked and total at the bottom. So the max is 40 points.
  14. Still a dam good find =) finally found something worth posting today. hehe
  15. schlep

    schlep User

    I didn't think so. Some column had 70-something. I've seen this guy's HIT once before and was like WTF. Next time I'm gonna read the instructions.
  16. Here is the instructions bit:

    You will begin observing each patrolling strategy before you have to make a decision and you will be given immediate feedback at the end of each game on whether you succeeded or not. However, at the very end of all games we will only select 4 games at random from all the games you played to determine your bonus payment. Your bonus payment will be the score you received for those 4 randomly selected games so do your best on each game!

    Found here:
  17. schlep

    schlep User

    Dude, I know I'm a bit out of it tonight, A/C is on the fritz, but I didn't even notice the different games. I just remember a long score that had me winning 23 of 27. Or so I thought. Who knows. lol

    Thanks for posting the hit and the instructions.
  18. There is another one just like it- Same game but different requester- Thanh Nguyen. 5 good reviews.

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