x8 Data School Calendar HITS

Discussion in 'x8 Data Company' started by TurkaTurka, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Bertha

    Bertha User

    I don't think it matters. Imagine you are describing someone the calendar, and they ask you what is the first day that this calendar starts with, and it's July 1, 2012, that's what you would answer. We are basically describing what we see to someone else, don't interpret, explain it like it is.

    I am sure Dustin will answer all of these questions. Hopefully he will see a new thread just for the calendar work. I will PM him just in case.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2013
  2. jenni3kat

    jenni3kat User

    what if it's a half day for some and full day off for others?

    n/m found it in the inst
  3. If I get a calendar that is just a list of dates, I use the day before the first day of school as the first day of the calendar, and the day after the last day of school as the last day of the calendar.
  4. kryptik

    kryptik User

    put partial day off, and make the note in comments
  5. Kris

    Kris User

    If you've got a discrete calendar, I'd agree. Many of the calendars I've seen are month-by-month, and go back several years. With those, until there is a specific instruction as to when the school calendar starts, I necessarily must interpret it. Otherwise, the result would be ridiculous.
  6. Bertha

    Bertha User

    That's what the instructions say to do.
  7. Bertha

    Bertha User

    Along with the month by month, I have been able to find a PDF calendar. So far I haven't come across a school that doesn't have one. I don't use the month by month calendar, you could go back forever. Most districts do have a set 2012-2013 calendar.
  8. Bertha

    Bertha User

    I would suggest to any who are confused to not do the work until you talk to Dustin. This is a huge project, sounds like a lot of money and let's do the work correct so we can have more in the future. Sorry if this offends anyone.
  9. Kris

    Kris User

    For the first 2 I did, I searched for several minutes for discrete calendars to no avail. Actually, my home district is like that, where the only discrete calendars are published by each individual school. I'm calling it quits until there is further clarification.
  10. mahasathya

    mahasathya User

    I have a noob question..Are you guys finding the dates for all the schools in the given district or just for the school whose address is given below the School district name?
  11. roon83

    roon83 User

    There's NWEA testing. Should I select them as mandatory?
  12. kryptik

    kryptik User

    is it a test for students? if it is then yes mandatory if not, no
  13. roon83

    roon83 User

    Yup it's a test.
  14. kryptik

    kryptik User

    not every test is for students, teachers sometimes get tested, so if you are sure it's for student then put mandatory if not, no
  15. meh not going to post.
  16. Bertha

    Bertha User

    Yeah, hopefully he will come by soon and answer our questions.
  17. Bertha

    Bertha User

    2012-2013 School District Calendars.
  18. Are we supposed to mark SAT dates as mandatory, despite the fact that they seem to occur mostly on Saturdays? I've just been ignoring them.
  19. MSUHolly

    MSUHolly User

    I was just about to ask this. The calendar I am doing right now has about 7 SAT/ACT testing dates but they all fall on Saturdays. The school week is M-F, so I am not sure if Sat testing would be mandatory.
  20. I've never heard of the SAT or ACT being mandatory. You have to pay to take them, and don't have to keep taking them if you get a good score your first try, but can take them over if you want.

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