Mass rejection

Discussion in 'General' started by Premchand, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. Premchand

    Premchand Active Member

    hi friends, i'm new to the forum and joined couple of days before. today i had a mass rejection from requester "Earl Dos Santos" find facebook url hit. 69 of my work were rejected.the reason was 'i missed http://' and it reduced my approval rate to 93 %. please give me your suggestions to improve my approval rate ...i'm from india
  2. Hi Prem im frm kannur, please do some easy work likes oscar smith.
  3. css123

    css123 Active Member

    Please sort the HITs by HITs available most. Find out the easy HITs and try 5 of them in each of the different HITs. If they are approved, go and work on many HITs of the same kind. Also, work on the HITs which you had already worked and got approved to improve your approval rate. Check frequently for the new most available HITs.
  4. nobody

    nobody User

    Also, download Turkopticon if you haven't already. It will help you avoid bad requesters.

    Click here to download. I know it works with Firefox and Chrome, but I'm not sure which other browsers it is compatible with.

    Happy turking!
  5. Shankar

    Shankar User

    do crowd flower,oscar smith,and other small hits soon u can come back.
  6. Premchand

    Premchand Active Member

    thank u friends for ur advice.. oscar smith is ok. fast approval! . but crowd flower has very limited hits for indians.. most of the hit says " your location doesn't match " even if " qualification required is none". why it is so ?? i have done a number of dolores labs ( it was their name ) hits some 10 months before, the hits were high paying also ( 0.08 - 0.25 have done well). then i discontinued turking. what happened to them ?

    thannks "nobody" for turkeroption great tool !!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2012
  7. shariqueahmer

    shariqueahmer Banned

    69 hits rejection is too much. and you should better ask the requester to approve yuors. that's a clean fraud in which he simply doesn't wants to pay you. for http:// doesn't make much difference in a url. and if he really wants http;// he simply has to do a simple find and replace operation in word.
  8. vrsj

    vrsj Member

    I think you need to do oscar hit to increase your percentage hit%. Make it as 98%. If you get good quality score in oscar smith (i.e. 90%) .Then you will get high pay from oscar hits.

    Do some other $0.01 hits to increase your percentage.

    With Regards,
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2012
  9. chaos

    chaos User

    I completely disagree with everyone that's saying to do Oscar Smith HITs. Yes, they will definitely approve, but they take way, way too long. It's going to take you forever to do enough of those HITs to get your approval rate back to where it needs to be.

    I would do quicker HITs than that instead. Redwood is a much better option. You can do 10 of their "
    Basic Caption Requirements Review" or "Caption Requirements" hits in the time that it takes to do one Oscar Smith hit, and I've never gotten a rejection from them. They usually approve quickly too.

    Also watch for p9r, they don't post in large batches normally, but will put up a few here and there. They are very simple and approve within minutes.
  10. chaos

    chaos User

    One other thought... if you wouldn't mind posting it, could you tell me exactly what your stats are for: Hits submitted, HITs approved, Rejected, and Pending? If I know what these totals are, it will give me a better idea of how long it might take to get your rate back up, and what strategies would be best suited.

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