Can't Find Solid HITs? 8/9 Lets All Sleep-In Saturday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Wiggles, Aug 9, 2014.

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  1. Sharkl11

    Sharkl11 User

    Today's Projected Earnings $0.25
  2. 15 sec. If it's video game footage or a concert 20-25 sec.
  3. Congratulations. You have been granted this Qualification with a value of 0.

    I don't get it, I know I'm not getting any of them wrong. Or if I am I guess I really don't need to be doing those hits. :(

  4. mjavor

    mjavor User

  5. Faithers

    Faithers User

    Only since May.

    Their dad is good about this stuff though and I don't think he would want it reduced on his own. He just doesn't make much right now and I got more of his last paycheck than HE did so that's kind of what I am concerned about. But he has the capability of making more, I really don't. So I shouldn't worry much. This is too variable. And once school starts I will miss a lot of time working that I can work now. Like bringing them to school. Picking them up. Bringing them to after school stuff. Bringing them to their dad's house half the time. Lots of times when I can't just sit and work on jobs because I have to leave. Curious to see how it goes! Again... so much is variable lol
  6. I have the exact same problem. Maybe they aren't set up for automatic approvals, or aren't granting anymore currently?? I don't know.
  7. Wiggles

    Wiggles Popular Stranger

    lol, why not a selfie?

    speaking of I need to update mine...maybe tomorrow..
  8. I really resent that they congratulate me on making a 0. Rude. :p

  9. For the qual, some might have gotten 0 the first time and then 100 the second time. I feel like they put 'not less than 88' is that it might work like RnR's system does, where they don't reject but pull the qual if it gets below a certain number.
  10. Lol, yeah, pretty weird to be earning $ in a way where literally the specific hour or two you are unavailable could seriously hurt your earnings for a day given the way great batches can get swallowed up.

    Given the dad wants to be supportive and isn't looking to get it reduced, I wouldn't worry too much...
  11. People are going to watch their own videos and say "woah did my video go viral?"
  12. Wiggles

    Wiggles Popular Stranger

    Then people will confuse you with someone else. I will most likely...
  13. Faithers

    Faithers User

    Right? He did make a comment recently about how flexible my job was and I had to stop him and say that it may be flexible in ways but I can't accept jobs if I know I have to leave to drive them to his house. So there are times when I just can't accept certain things due to the TIMERS. That's what people have a hard time understanding. We have time limits on everything. lol

    Not to mention I still have to claim taxes on all of this.
  14. Wiggles

    Wiggles Popular Stranger

    what's going on?
  15. Weezy

    Weezy Banned

  16. mjavor

    mjavor User

    I did there were 4.
  17. does anybody else get bored waiting for their future self to either invent a machine that can send messages back in time or have it be invented, then send them an email with the winning lottery numbers?
  18. TillyWink

    TillyWink User

    No. Once it's paid to you it's cash in your pocket. Doesnt matter where it's sitting.. And some people might even claim it when it is 'earned' and might not even have been paid yet.
  19. Wiggles

    Wiggles Popular Stranger

    Do they got Pop Tarts in Egypt?
  20. The taxes are really what make it brutal. I mean, I get it, and certain days can still be great, but damn does it hurt to think of all the slow times when you are making a crap hourly wage and then still have to get taxed on it.
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