Can't Find Solid HITs? 8/9 Lets All Sleep-In Saturday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Wiggles, Aug 9, 2014.

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  1. Good night, all. Well wishes and nice dreams to you.
  2. I really have never seen anything too bad on rnr. Plus they're gone in a few hours so my brain gets to decompress from all that shit. Netmsi has been up for days at a time in some instances. And watching gay dudes pound each other, extremely overweight women ride old men's faces, and sperm showers galore....makes me glad I work on mturk and not as a camera man in the porn business.
  3. mjavor

    mjavor User

  4. No but I live close to Golden Gate Park when the concert is. If I were at the concert I'd be able to hear.
  5. Wiggles

    Wiggles Popular Stranger

    Lol, I thought you fell asleep.

    Strawberry is my go to if they don't have that then idc what I get as long the frosting is on top.
  6. Honestly when they have a ton of those up, the fact that it is porn doesn't matter...much more excited to have tons of good paying work than porn (which you can find anywhere on the internet).
  7. I know I'm the worst turker in the world, but I limit myself to specific "shifts": Monday through Friday, 7 or 8 AM until 1 or 2 PM. Sometimes I'll work in the evening, and sometimes on the weekend, but mostly what I make is what I make. It helps motivate me to keep going and to work to increase my hourly wage if I know I'm only getting no more than 7 hours, including breaks, to earn.

    Probably also helps that I'm not working to support anyone but myself, and my financial needs are very low right now, so it's completely possible for me to pay my bills with as little as I make.
  8. Wiggles

    Wiggles Popular Stranger

    Gets quiet in here fast at night
  9. twirdman

    twirdman User

    Some of the stuff is weird same with RnR but the porn doesn't really bother me that much at all. I've just grown incredibly desensitized to the weird shit. Only thing that still somewhat disturbs me are some of the gruesome images from RnR and with the number I've done I have seen some incredibly fucked up shit that I wish I could unsee.
  10. B

    B User

  11. Title: Identifying Videos Created by Youth
    Requester: Elizabeth Bonsignore [A1BA6QPJ16U61G] (TO)
    Number of Responses: 5
    Description: Please Categorize Each Video. We are trying to characterize the types of videos that youth create.
    Reward: $0.05
    Qualifications: Identifying Videos Produced by Youth (minors less than 18 years old) is not less than 88, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95

    Mine all approved from last night. Going HAM now.
  12. Faithers

    Faithers User

    Yep if I didn't have to rely on this to take care of me and 4 kids, I would be a little less obsessed about it for sure! In fact, I'm actually nervous that when I go for my final divorce hearing that the judge will reduce my child support based on the fact that I am now making more than my son's SSI was that I no longer have. SO... that brings me to the concern that if they reduce it based on what I'm making *right now*... that I have to sustain that. That thought is kind of scary. But hopefully they will see that this is so variable that they won't make changes based on this. Esp with this Jim M job ending soon anyway and that's mostly where my last couple of days of decent money has come from.
  13. [video=youtube_share;zuuObGsB0No][/video]

    Love, love will tear us apart, again.
  14. mjavor

    mjavor User

    I have it, I am at work though. They wont let us install anything. Its a bit slow. So keep posting. Where are those batches at ?
  15. Faithers

    Faithers User

    Just had a thought that maybe I should do hardly any work until after lol
  16. adaaaam

    adaaaam Banned

    How long do you take on average?
  17. adaaaam

    adaaaam Banned

  18. If you don't withdraw the money then it doesn't count as payment received would be the way I would go. Let it sit on amazon, technically until you receive the money you can't claim it as 'income' right?
  19. Vegas-

    Negative, I was in bubble hell. :( I'm here for the next 5 hours. I decided I need more money to make up for a slow week last week. Plus I really need to try to do whatever it takes to get Masters, and I have more of a chance to do that if I'm not sitting on the couch watching bad television.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2014
  20. How long have you been turking? Can you have any documentation of how much you have made over that time?

    I'd explain that it is a variable wage that honestly averages under minimum wage as an hourly rate and provide documentation on the bad days too....yeah, it is hard for them to categorize compared to normal work, but a reasonable judge would not reduce the child support since your income is variable (and often low) and not guarenteed. It is in the best interest of the child to ensure that the child support remains at the current level as you don't have a guarenteed income from mturk.

    DISCLAIMER: I know dick all about nothing regarding the legal process involved, so do get better advice from more knowlegable people....I'm just saying that seems highly irresponsible to me for a judge to cut the child support based on a short-term spike in your earnings (and a modest one considering the cost of raising that many kids!).
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2014
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