Can't Find Amazingly Good HITs? 6/23 Mastering Monday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Jun 23, 2014.

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  1. That is interesting. I've spoken French everyday of my life for years (married a man who did not speak English) but it's really tough to understand French "text speak". I need textbook French.

  2. I got porn on one. lol

    Also, I accidentally hit "not notable person" instead of "not obituary" on one and didn't notice until just as I hit submit - too late to do anything about it. Hopefully it won't be a reject.
  3. geekydork

    geekydork User

  4. inzi

    inzi User

    that was really funny.
  5. Malaclypse

    Malaclypse User

  6. Malaclypse

    Malaclypse User

    aw shit, group dogging a bbw housewife. unless someone gets smothered i don't think it's an obit
  7. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    anyone want to make the thread for tomorrow?
  8. FindingMe

    FindingMe User

  9. lanone

    lanone User

    ill do it
  10. Okay, on about my 50th one I got "amateur blow job competition" website. Hmmm… is it an obituary?
  11. Monica

    Monica User

    Send {Shift down}{Click}
    Send {Shift up}
    Sleep 500
      aeroTaskBarHeight := 29 ; put here the height of your taskbar
      WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A ; get the active window title
      WinGetPos, aeroX, aeroY, aeroWidth, aeroHeight, A ; get active window x,y,W,H
      WinGet, active_id, ID, A ; get active window ID (like 0xc00dc)
      ; / if window is already exactly at left
      if (aeroX=0 && aeroY=0 && aeroWidth=(A_ScreenWidth/2) && aeroHeight=(A_ScreenHeight-aeroTaskBarHeight))
        ; / let's check if we have the center position memorized..
      	aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt := 0 ; reset (not found memorized anywhere yet)
          if aeroAllMemorized%A_Index% ; we have to check if active ID already has a memory slot
          { ; FYI: aeroAllMemorized[1..n] = "ID x y W H"
            stringsplit, tempArray, aeroAllMemorized%A_Index%, %A_Space%
            if (tempArray1=active_id)
              aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt := %A_Index%
          } else break
        if (aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt=0) ; we didn't find center memorized, so let's just move the window to x-center
          WinMove, %currentWindow%,, aeroWidth/2, 0
        else ; we found the center, so let's put the window at memorized center
        	stringsplit, tempArray, aeroAllMemorized%aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt%, %A_Space%
          WinMove, %currentWindow%,, tempArray2, tempArray3, tempArray4, tempArray5
      ; / if window is exactly at right
      else if (aeroX=(A_ScreenWidth/2) && aeroY=0 && aeroWidth=(A_ScreenWidth/2) && aeroHeight=(A_ScreenHeight-aeroTaskBarHeight))
        WinMove, %currentWindow%,, 0, 0, (A_ScreenWidth/2), (A_ScreenHeight-aeroTaskBarHeight)
      else ; we have to memorize this "center" position
      	aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt := 0 ; reset (not found memorized anywhere yet)
      	memoryBankSize = 0 ; reset
          if aeroAllMemorized%A_Index% ; we have to check if active ID already has a memory slot
            stringsplit, tempArray, aeroAllMemorized%A_Index%, %A_Space%
            if (tempArray1=active_id)
              aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt := %A_Index%
              aeroAllMemorized%A_Index% := active_id . " " . aeroX . " " . aeroY . " " . aeroWidth . " " . aeroHeight
          } else break
        if (aeroAlreadyMemorizedAt=0) ; if we didn't find an old memory slot for this ID
          memoryBankSize++ ; let's create a new memory slot
          aeroAllMemorized%memoryBankSize% := active_id . " " . aeroX . " " . aeroY . " " . aeroWidth . " " . aeroHeight
      WinMove, %currentWindow%,, (A_ScreenWidth/2), 0, (A_ScreenWidth/2), (A_ScreenHeight-aeroTaskBarHeight)
    have window on right side of screen, hover over link, press z, auto opens window on left side of screen. got them down to 10 sec

  12. lol
  13. Tater

    Tater User

  14. Well, I finally got one that actually looks like it is an obit but it won't load. lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2014
  15. Tater

    Tater User

    I've done...probably well over 200 and only 1 obit.
  16. Yikes! Gay porn!
  17. If the name of the link is "Korean fucked by white cock" do you think they will know that I didn't open the link?
  18. bms00

    bms00 User

    Depending on context, I suppose that could be a retrospective of someone's life... =P

  19. Better open it to be sure. lol
  20. Tater

    Tater User

    I have an obit!! Finally!!!
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