For all the Matt Rubin talk!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by naisybee, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. mtzpgran

    mtzpgran User

    Can someone tell me if an assistant professor is the same thing as a TA?
  2. I don't think so, TA's are often students.
  3. mtzpgran

    mtzpgran User

    That's what I thought. Thanks.
  4. Super exited to see my Alma Mater!
  5. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    TA stands for Teaching Assistant.
  6. aha124

    aha124 Member

    I made 60 dollars on .30 rubin hits in the last two days - those were fantastic! Really sad to see those go...that upped my approval numbers to 960 - so close to the 1000 mark!! Hopefully he'll put some more .30's tomorrow morning...
  7. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    Never mind... Woot web sites sucks ALOT
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2012
  8. mikey

    mikey User

    Best day Turking ever, but I am starting to burn out. Hows everyone holding up? :)
  9. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    What do you do if the course is offered at the school but they course number they give you is wrong.

    Rubin wants
    IT 340 Course Name: Computer & Information Security

    I have
    IT 528 Course Name: Computer & Information Security
  10. mikey

    mikey User

    I use the comments field to correct the mistake. I had a few that were misspelled or had the wrong number.
  11. mikey

    mikey User

    When I tried those the system required a login. Howard wasn't working earlier either, but it looked like a technical problem with the site. The class search page wouldn't load.
  12. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    I'm wonderin' the same thing. I certainly hope so. :D
  13. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    I really hope so I like the pay for the .50 cent ones but it can suck. You cant do these as fast as the others and if you say you can do them all in under a minute or 2 your lying. Some you can but it seems like alot take a little time on google.
  14. The past couple of nights he has posted more of the .30 cent ones around 1-2 central, and then early in the morning again. I can make about 14-15 an hour on either one but the .30 cent ones don't break my brain like the others do.
  15. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    The .50 cents ones some are total BS IMHO. You can search the first 10 pages of google and come up blank. I even called one school today in a fit of anger and they told me they dont post instructors online.
  16. magnetlink

    magnetlink User

    I feel like a complete scrub for asking, but how does one complete the instructor hits? just google/search and if it's there, it's there?
  17. Fairjuno

    Fairjuno User

    LMFAO! My problem is finding the instructor and email very quickly, but then not finding their schedules for the right time frame. :mad:
  18. Fairjuno

    Fairjuno User

    LMAO! Sorry, everything seems so funny tonight.

    I've been using google, but half the time I can only find one thing or the other, not both. Pfft.
  19. The easiest and fastest way I have found to do the instructor HITs is to find 10-15 different schools that have an easy to navigate schedule of classes and then a directory for faculty and students. I then just skip through the HITs till I find those schools. Also I have only used google maybe once or twice to find any of the information.

    Most of the universities have a course schedule that lists the instructor, it just requires some digging sometimes. That is why I recommend just picking universities that you are sure you can find the information for and keeping them open in separate tabs or windows. I can normally get one done in about 1 minute, and then however long it takes to skip to the next one that fits my criteria, which entirely depends on what universities are popping up the most at that time.
  20. pennykat

    pennykat User

    Quick question about the instructor HITs and I apologize in advance if it's been asked-if someone is listed as an instructor or lecturer, do we check professor? I've been checking professor for everyone that is listed as faculty rather than student, but I wonder if that's correct?

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