All My HIT Stats Have Been Reset!

Discussion in 'General' started by chuck_h, Nov 7, 2012.

  1. chuck_h

    chuck_h User

    For some weird reason, all my HIT stats have been reset. I'm at 0 for everything except HITs pending.


    Attached Files:

  2. moxygen

    moxygen Member

    I can't even login anymore. It was fine this morning and then this afternoon I wasn't able to get into any HITs because I am not in the US (I am in Minnesota). I logged out and tried to log back in and was sent back to the basic set up a new account page. Now when I try to login it is telling me I have to wait the 48 hours for approval. I set up my account a long long time ago...

    Waiting on them to get back to me. Hoping that it gets sorted out or my kids are going to have one sad Christmas.

    The is one other user on here having the same issue as I am that I know of.
  3. Someone in the daily thread was also having the exact same problem. This is definitely not due to any scripts. Looks some sort of server side error to me.
  4. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    I am not having this problem (no change in my Dashboard), but I wanted to wish everyone luck. I just suggested to someone who posted in another thread about a similar problem that she might want to come over here, too.

    Sorry, do you mean you're traveling at the moment, even though you normally live in MN? A bit confused otherwise by what you mean about not being in the US.
  5. j0sh

    j0sh User

    Perhaps she meant it is an extension of Canada, eh? :)
  6. moxygen

    moxygen Member

    LOL, Josh. I grew up in Minnesota but spent most of my 20's all around the states. Oh yeah you betcha. ;)

    NatureGirl - I am not travelling. This afternoon when I tried to accept some hits it was telling me I wasn't qualified because I wasn't in the US. I emailed a requester that I was a working with on a follow up survey and they told me to try logging out and logging back in. When I tried to log back in it sent me to the welcome page to have my application approved - like we did when we first signed up.

    I did post about this in today's HITs thread as did Lori who is also having the same problem.

    If I had any advice it would be - don't log out! Hopefully it's just a server or database issue and it will be sorted out quickly.

    Thanks again everyone. This forum has been so helpful.
  7. chuck_h

    chuck_h User

    A Further (Worrisome) Development

    Well, I signed out of my MTurk account, then tried to sign back in and now it's treating me like I just created the account. I can't work at all.
  8. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    Gotcha, moxygen. I was wondering what you meant by that! Did not realize the system was actually telling people that they are not in the US. That really is a glitch.

    Sounds like you are handling it well and keeping your head. :) Good for you, and I hope it resolves itself soon.

    LOLs: thanks to Josh...and chuck, I just noticed how perfect your avatar is for this thread in particular.

    ETA: Yikes! I just noticed chuck's post that must have happened while I was writing mine. Sorry to hear it, chuck. Sounds like logging out is definitely not helpful.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2012
  9. tiger paw

    tiger paw User

    has anyone heard back from amazon yet? this happened to me too. by my count that makes at least 3 of us.
  10. moxygen

    moxygen Member

    I have not heard back from Amazon. There are 4 of us (Lori1985 isn't able to get in either - she posted on yesterday's HITs thread) plus one on reddit that I know of.

    I emailed them again this morning. Just waiting, twiddling my thumbs. (ok, not really. I have a litter of kids to chase after.)
  11. ivycreek

    ivycreek User

    Uff, that doesn't sound good. From my experience (which was very little with MTURK support) the team is pretty small, and are only able to quickly (relative) respond to general questions. Something like this they will have to submit a ticket to the technical Gurus, (they will respond to you with forwarding the information to an account specialist) who depending on what is going on will either work on the ticket or not. I can remember corresponding via the "ticket" with these folks on several seller accounts for quite a few days before they got the problem fixed, but that was a worse case scenario normally they acted fairly quickly, hopefully they aren't having any big platform issue and they can get to your account fast!
  12. tiger paw

    tiger paw User

    starting to get angry now. it's been a whole day and with no work and no response. let this be another warning to everyone not to take working on mturk for granted. grrr
  13. moxygen

    moxygen Member

    I understand your frustration, tiger. I am getting all sorts of emails for follow up surveys and I can't do them. Still no word from them. I wish they would let us know they are working on it or something...
  14. moxygen

    moxygen Member

    OK, I just logged in (I tried every couple of hours) and I got in! Yay! Uh, well, kinda yay. My stats all say 0, but at least I am back in?

    How about everyone else?
  15. chuck_h

    chuck_h User

    No Joy

    I'm still getting the "We're reviewing your account" message. :mad:

    To add insult to injury, my Amazon Payments account balance is $9.80, so I can't withdraw it to my bank account and I can't quickly bang out a dozen HITs to bring the balance up to the required $10.00.

    (I thought about transferring some money from my bank account to bring the balance up to $10.00, but you have to transfer at least $10.00 from your bank account, so that's a big no-go as well.)
  16. tiger paw

    tiger paw User

    nope, everything is at zero. this is fucking dumb, at least tell us you're looking into it.
  17. This happened to me about 2 weeks ago, try restarting your computer. This worked for me. Good Luck!
  18. tiger paw

    tiger paw User

    well, i've been on 3 different computers and 4 different browsers. it's definitely something on amazon's end.
  19. moxygen

    moxygen Member

    I got this email today:

    I'm sorry for your concern over your account.

    In order to fully investigate this I'll need to engage some other teams which may take a few days. I'll keep this case open and get back to you in few business days with more information.

    Thanks in advance for your patience."

    This was in response to my first email that I sent to them. I replied to her with current situation and links to all of the forum posts where people are having issues.

    As of this morning my stats are all still at 0.

    It's definitely not a computer issue, it's an MTurk issue.
  20. tiger paw

    tiger paw User

    i got the same canned response. i have a feeling since it hasnt been fixed yet, and that its going to take a few days just to look at it means we're done for.

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