Make a Turking Friends List

Discussion in 'General' started by, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. Do MTurk like Facebook and make a friends list so you feel like part of a community
  2. desertsky

    desertsky Active Member

    Isn't that kind of what the forums here and on Turker Nation are for? I don't know that I would want to have a turking friend list. Just checking the boards here, and there, on top of doing my hits is time consuming! :)
  3. Morrissey

    Morrissey Active Member

    I couldnt agree more desertsky, and another thing for lewisdaniel, once this page starts getting web crawls, it'll be a bad idea to have your forum name as your email address, unless you like lots of spam.
  4. deserae

    deserae Member

    I love the forums, because I can get a lot of tips here that I can't find by myself.

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