Most unique request

Discussion in 'General' started by aheismann, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. Shego

    Shego User

    There was one where a guy wanted a compliment. No pic...nothing, just wanted to hear something nice about himself. (?????) I did it out of boredom. Told him how awesome he was, handsome, sweet etc. Bleck! I won't even do that in real life with somebody I like...hehe. But hey, pay me and I'm all over it ;)
  2. Orac

    Orac Member

    Got a similar one as Shego...some lady was asking people to write a poem about her husband (included a pic and his real name) and asking people to describe how charming, sweet, lovely he was..guy wasn't the most attractive person but for $.50...why not
  3. Shego

    Shego User

    LMAO! Ya gotta wonder, right? I've seen those hits where somebody wants a love poem/letter written for his girlfriend too. If his GF only knew! Then again how could she not? I think if a woman gets an eloquent, beautiful love poem for Valentine's Day this year, after getting fishing tackle the year before, she should be suspicious.
  4. ergo

    ergo User

    Recently I've seen a few where people were obviously trying to find someone to do their homework for them. One required a paper to be researched and written according to very specific criteria only a teacher would come up with, and another wanted someone to do a complex (or so it seemed to me) math problem. There were some others a few weeks ago which I can't recall now.

    I imagine people have been paying others to do their homework for as long as there have been schools, but I haven't seen much of it on MTurk before. I guess with so many students turking, some of them are bound to think of that possibility.
  5. Shego

    Shego User

    There is a whole website dediated to buying/selling term papers etc. Can't remember the name of it though.
  6. SuzyQ

    SuzyQ User

    How about the "Write 50 Words" Request?

    Not that one was really strange ... "Write 50 Words."

    I almost accepted with writing "50 Words."
  7. mischa

    mischa User

    not unique but it made me chuckle - a rewrite for 'breast augmentation gum - a chew away!' - i rewrote it as '... - only a matter of mastication!'
  8. ergo

    ergo User

    Good one! Though I probably would have rewritten it, "- don't you wish it were that easy?" :p

    Ergo masticates often and isn't ashamed to admit it.
  9. Kuroftw

    Kuroftw New Member

    Just a few minutes ago I did one that told me to draw a robot.
  10. ergo

    ergo User

    Of all the days to be single... :p
  11. shaliniraj

    shaliniraj Member

    i saw that hit and don't know if anyone is going to do this ??????
  12. jibbs

    jibbs Member

    This gem is up for grabs at at this very moment:

    "create a fun 1 min colon cleanse video & earn $3.00" :eek:

    Better hurry, I'm sure it won't last long.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2009
  13. luckharm

    luckharm Member

    What Invention Would Make Your Life Easier?

    So, today, I saw an interesting HIT: It asked the following question:

    What Invention Would Make Your Life Easier?

    This is the suggestion I made.

    I wish someone would invent a chemical I could put on my scalp to prevent hair from growing for maybe 6 months. This way, my roots would not show so quickly and I would not have to color my hair every 3 weeks and get a haircut every 6 weeks. Of course the hair salons would rebel against such a product but I would be forever grateful.

    I wonder if they will accept it???

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