Can't Find Good HITs? 9/30

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by footballchick29, Sep 30, 2012.


What is Your Age?

  1. Under 18.

  2. 18 - 21

  3. 21 - 25

  4. 25 - 30

  5. 30 - 35

  6. 35 - 40

  7. 40 -45

  8. Over 45.

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  1. Dragonfly

    Dragonfly Member

    20 sec survey about website evaluation
    University of Michigan - Research
    quick 10 Cents.

    sorry, I didn't see that it's already up on the board.
  2. RWStein

    RWStein User


    Don't stop chatting my fellow Turker!

    I am usually the FIRST to make mistakes! And I am always the first to put foot in mouth!

    I was not criticizing - just reminding everyone...

    Keep chatting! And everyone keep "Making That Money!!!"

  3. Blazed

    Blazed User

    Even the website don't load up for me! Wonder if it has anything to do with that.
  4. Moutheater

    Moutheater User

  5. kalhana

    kalhana User

    Please complete this simple survey about attitudes.

    Requester: Jenny Howell

    HIT Expiration Date: Oct 3, 2012 (2 days 23 hours)
    Time Allotted: 24 hours

    Reward: $0.51
    HITs Available: 1

    No TO. ANd it is the inquisit again, but this one worked for me.
  6. Cheat_To_Eat

    Cheat_To_Eat Banned

    Pretty easy. You can do this one multiple times, it's practically a Batch HIT, at least for me...

    This one is free, but sometimes it's just the right thing to do to give back, especially after you've ruined a million surveys by your 'harmless' chatter, lol.

    This one is easy too, no way for them to know whether or not you're plagiarizing, despite what they say, so cheat away and go make dat money, dawg.
  7. kalhana

    kalhana User

    Short Survey

    Requester: ideaslab2010 Reward: $0.30 per HIT HITs Available: 1 Duration: 10 minutes
    Auto-Approval Time: 3 days
    Qualifications Required: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 98, Location is US

    Less than a minute, good TO
  8. Sooo... tsk tsk for anyone who engages in 'harmless chatter'...

    But please.. feel free to plagiarize someone else's work and pass it off as your own for a measly .21

    Makes sense...............
  9. punkmaniac

    punkmaniac Member

    And the TO on the requester for the third link is horrible.
  10. I think that last bit was meant as a joke.
    I doubt he genuinely intended anybody to give this guy 1000 words for 21 measly cents, plagiarized or not.
  11. It definitely SHOULD be terrible. 1000 words for a measly .21 yet if you scroll on down it tells you in bold 'If your article is not over fifteen hundred words you will not be paid'

    So they're asking you to write a 1500 word article for less than a quarter.. which will then be rejected.. and I'd bet my arse those articles a few people have been masochistic enough to write will end up on the internet somewhere. Nothing like giving these sweatshop requester's free work.
  12. Kris

    Kris User

    It worked ok for me. Damned if I know why.
  13. Blazed

    Blazed User

    I just checked it out just now, it works now. Weird shit happening today.
  14. momo

    momo User

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2012
  15. I hope you're kidding about that last part. Not trying to be rude or mean, but posting that kind of stuff doesn't reflect well on the rest of us here.
  16. Jen

    Jen User

    Thanks for the welcome. No. I am not that fast. That's why it is worrying me.
  17. debsstuff

    debsstuff User

    I used to make word search puzzles, would get 10 or 15 bucks for a good word list.
  18. Cheat_To_Eat

    Cheat_To_Eat Banned


    I do over 9000 HITs a day, I have 143,923 approved HITs, and my approval rating is at 99.9%. I like to look at it all day, lol. I think my success speaks for itself.

    Hey gais, is it okay to use more than two computers and have multiple accounts? I'm just a bit unclear about that part. I read that the Indian sweatshops that just got rolled up would do that all day every day, they would have one guy who would accept all the HITs that were on long timers and then have someone else do the work and submit it. Pretty stupid, but I guess that's why they got caught.

    By the way, there's totally nothing wrong with talking about HITs, surveys in particular. The researchers, even if they tell you in the consent form or somewhere near the end of the survey to NOT DISCUSS THE SURVEY, they're really only kidding. They're such jokers, most of them. The ones that complain, those gais are just assholes. You guys have every right to work together and help each other out, despite what the mTurk TOS says about it. In fact, I think they skipped that part anyway. Loopholes, right?

    Remember, chillens, if you ain't cheatin', you ain't eatin'!

  19. Cheat_To_Eat

    Cheat_To_Eat Banned


    I see suspended people...
  20. RWStein

    RWStein User

    Ohh... This is funny!!!

    Go back to the rock you climbed out of... You know - that place that wishes they had all this talent working together!!!

    We'd delete your post - but it is an excellent example of both stupidity and jealousy!

    Bye now!

    PS> Be lucky I don't copy this post and your IP address which we now have! to Amazon mTurk - even if you were just being an ass and trying to be funny! I don't think they would find it so funny!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2012
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